Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] in a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 L 24 , p. 1 ) , whereby only fishing vessels flying the flag of or registered in a member state may fish against the quotas allocated to that member state , which in other words are reserved to ‘ national ’ vessels to the exclusion of vessels from other members states .
2 Indeed , you have probably broken previous weight-loss diets because of social pressures , such as eating in a restaurant , or eating in a friend 's house , where their encouragement , " go on it wo n't hurt " , and your response , " just this once , " are the first fatal steps to weight gain .
3 Why stand in a bus queue or sit in a traffic jam when you can walk almost as quickly ?
4 There are several methods you can use and of course you must find the one which suits you best but , as a starting-point , here is a simple and effective one : Lie on your bed or sit in a chair with a back which is high enough to support your neck and head .
5 The baby would be handed into the care of one of her " other family " , or placed in a basket or drawer to sleep .
6 As a matter of good practice copies of the documents should either be attached to the disclosure letter or placed in a file of documents delivered with the letter .
7 But my main priority is making the animals look real with a lot of life in them , rather than the staid and stiff specimens cast in bronze , sitting on top of a television or placed in a town square .
8 If you recognise these problems as your own , my advice is see your doctor , contact a self-help group , or confide in a friend .
9 Vinyl is practical , so is vinyl-coated cork , and linoleum , which now comes in all colours and can be inlaid or arranged in a pattern in various shades with quite spectacular results .
10 The Medical Research Council 's Common Cold Research Unit showed that it is not the person who gets caught in the rain or sits in a draught who is likely to develop a cold but the one who has to work in the air-conditioned , centrally-heated , artificially-lit atmosphere found in many modern office blocks .
11 It is not unlikely either that the formation of the desire will be closely linked with current experiences and will therefore probably be fulfilled by providing more of whatever is salient in the context — porridge , or rides in a plastic tub , etc .
12 Idoxuridine , one such agent , can be applied to herpetic ulcers either in an ointment base or dissolved in a solvent which aids its absorption in the skin , and has enthusiastic followers , but again convincing evidence of its efficacy is lacking .
13 A high pitched shriek or cry in a tossing or stuporose child .
14 Leaving aside publications in parts , which are a special problem , books which should contain advertisements can not be reckoned complete without them , so that , if they have been removed or discarded in a rebinding , the value suffers considerably , even though the text is perfect .
15 The operator syllable implies ( or specifies in a subfield ) how many syllables are required for the instruction .
16 Where abuse is disclosed , a teenage girl will be counselled and provided with ‘ safe , defensible space ’ in the form of a foster home or place in a hostel .
17 If this is the case we may be standing , sitting or walking in a way that is putting enormous stresses on our structure without us even being aware of it at all .
18 Strain the custard to remove lumps or whiz in a blender for 60 seconds .
19 These are rehearsals , and performances given solely or primarily for the purpose of making a recording or to enable the performance to he broadcast or included in a cable programme , unless it was attended by persons other than those participating for such purposes .
20 ‘ ( 1 ) If a programme involving threatening , abusive or insulting visual images or sounds is broadcast , or included in a cable programme service , each of the persons mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) is guilty of an offence if — ( a ) he intends thereby to stir up racial hatred , or ( b ) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby .
21 ‘ ( 1 ) A person who has in his possession written material which is threatening , abusive or insulting , or a recording of visual images or sounds which are threatening , abusive or insulting , with a view to — ( a ) in the case of written material , its being displayed , published , distributed , broadcast or included in a cable programme service , whether by himself or another , or ( b ) in the case of a recording , its being distributed , shown , played , broadcast or included in a cable programme service , whether by himself or another , is guilty of an offence if he intends racial hatred to be stirred up thereby or , having regard to all the circumstances , racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby . ’
22 ‘ ( 1 ) A person who has in his possession written material which is threatening , abusive or insulting , or a recording of visual images or sounds which are threatening , abusive or insulting , with a view to — ( a ) in the case of written material , its being displayed , published , distributed , broadcast or included in a cable programme service , whether by himself or another , or ( b ) in the case of a recording , its being distributed , shown , played , broadcast or included in a cable programme service , whether by himself or another , is guilty of an offence if he intends racial hatred to be stirred up thereby or , having regard to all the circumstances , racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby . ’
23 Elements of the design are developed or resolved in a series of local activities .
24 When an animal is shot or caught in a snare , or chased and caught , it has a great deal of suffering .
25 to slump in a heap or sleep in a hump .
26 Despite the fact that trespass is actionable per se , there is some authority to the effect that trespass to goods requires proof of some damage or asportation but the general view of textbook writers is to the contrary and there must be many instances where , if mere touching of objects like waxworks or exhibits in a gallery or museum be not trespass , their possessor would be without remedy .
27 This , Lukes argued , is the most insidious form of power in that we can be manipulated into a course of action or believing in a set of values without realising it .
28 Finally , two paintings , both listed as ‘ Untitled ’ ( 1979 ) , in the exhibition , are death-like with the horse figure hanging vertical or slumped in a corner against a field of greys .
29 Using the other person 's name early on in the transaction also helps establish rapport , so long as it is n't inappropriately familiar or done in a routine , ‘ mechanical ’ way .
30 In particular , if an assessor is not accepted as a peer by those assessed , then the information needed for objective evaluation may be withheld , distorted , or presented in a manner which can lead to unbalanced views and impaired judgements .
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