Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] her with [art] " in BNC.

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1 I sometimes did little unexpected kid things out of my tenderness for her , and was always glad to be the one to take up tea for her if she was unwell , and so on , or to help her with the housework when she was servantless .
2 And that faced her with a course of action which , for some obscure reason , seemed rather distasteful now .
3 Not for the first time she cursed the lack of experience wth men that left her with no clue as to how to interpret what happened between them .
4 Backed by just one woman trainee officer she confronted the suspect in alley off Lawrence Road , the scene of an attack in December 1991 that left her with a smashed up face .
5 The latter become the ‘ mensonge vital ’ of fantasy and fiction that provides her with a means of coping in a hostile world .
6 The offender drove up behind the victim as she was walking in the street one evening with her daughter , aged two and a half , and attacked her with a hammer , striking her two blows on the leg and one on the knee .
7 She was nearly home and someone jumped out at her and battered her with a piece of wood .
8 She always accompanied her unpackings by such comments , always with the same indignant implication that the grocers did their best to defraud and anger her with every item .
9 Barbara Coleman stopped pouring and fixed her with a very severe look .
10 Sarah closed her eyes when he lifted her nightdress and entered her with no show of sentiment .
11 He stopped a pace or two away from the bed and regarded her with an unexpectedly teasing glint in his eyes .
12 She was weeping now , and he knelt beside her , stiffly , and promised her with the touch of his hand on her shoulder that he would bring help .
13 A brawl among three women , for example , resulted in one of them ‘ scoring her face with a door key ’ because the other woman ‘ tore her hair and beat her with a poker ’ .
14 A legacy from a great-aunt had bought their house and provided her with a small income .
15 ’ Aim for the comm-booth that Mala called from , and grab her with the Magnigrip when she 's in range ’ .
16 Therefore , three and a half years after the accident , Dawn accepted the amount offered , which was sufficient to pay back the £70,000 her father had spent on her treatment and a specially adapted car , and to provide her with an ongoing income to cover her living expenses .
17 Tobias sat on the Independent and helped her with the pheasant pâté .
18 ‘ It 's no good ‘ effing and blinding ’ , ’ he remonstrated mildly , holding her firmly by the shoulders and inspecting her with a brilliantly dispassionate gaze .
19 Right wing soldiers in the Philippines have written to national newspapers saying they intend to launch a bloodless coup against President Corizon Aquino , and to replace her with a military junta .
20 Rachel watched him and felt the dam burst , smashing back the last barriers to her soul , and flooding her with a rush of overwhelming emotion .
21 He 'd stood up as he spoke , and came to loom disturbingly large over her before spinning one of the chairs at the table and straddling it , resting his forearms on the back and fixing her with an unfathomable gaze .
22 The old cow turned and licked her with a huge , wet tongue until her blouse was damp all over the right shoulder , but it was not comforting .
23 He imagined himself walking up to her and presenting her with a single red rose .
24 They bundled her into the living room punched and threatened her with a knife , before spraying her in the face with Ammonia .
25 But when a man came in last night and threatened her with a knife , shop assistant Parveen Akhter decided enough was enough .
26 But Mrs Spence claims he then turned nasty and threatened her with a pistol and syringe full of morphine .
27 He began with her eyes , capturing and holding her with a laser-like stare that probed deep into her brain .
28 Go to Rachel , the barren one , and fill her with the harvest of fire .
29 Jesus Delporto 's dying scream had followed Ace all the way to the lower moon , down the violently oscillating length of the Bridge , past bizarre machinery which seethed with naked power , and through the gap she had torched in the base of the column ; it followed her as eager hands pulled her from the writhing Bridge , stripped away her suit and placed her with the others in the medical unit ; followed her into sleep , forced a path into her dreams , drove her screaming and unrested into wakefulness .
30 They then pulled on balaclavas before driving a short distance where they stopped , pulled the woman into the back , placed a plastic bag over her head and bound her with a rope around her neck and hands .
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