Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] her [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe Angy had offered to show her some more of her work , or lend her a book or something . ’
2 ‘ Lisa was in constant agony , but I could n't even comfort her or give her a cuddle because of the plaster . ’
3 He interrupted himself to explain , ‘ I did n't make any false promises or give her a lot of romantic fantasy to persuade her .
4 But she could n't remember anyone approaching her , or giving her the document .
5 Or ask her a bit later .
6 Though sometimes , the gentlemen chucked her beneath the chin absently , or gave her a sixpence , and one , even , pushed her for a whole quarter-hour on the swing .
7 But it was Susannah 's passionate appeal to the girls to support her party because she believes the Liberal Democrats care about the homeless that made her the winner .
8 It was this certainty that made her the leader .
9 You see a woman see a woman and your man did n't know where he was , and then she walked out one night and put her hand through the window and she ripped it from there to there and she said the doctors told her the only thing that stopped her the arm from coming off was the bone .
10 With a tenderness that surprised her the Frenchman put his arms around her and lifted her onto the cot beside him .
11 She wore a black dress reaching to just above her knees , suspended from her shoulders by straps no thicker than shoe laces ; black stockings , encasing surprisingly slim legs , and very high-heeled red shoes that elevated her an inch or so above Morse as he stood up and offered her his stool .
12 Because she was beautiful , with her flaxen blonde hair tumbling down her back and those unusual dark eyes and eyebrows that gave her a look of the exotic .
13 Hidden away , pushed to the darker recesses of her mind , it was a tangible presence that gave her a degree of comfort in the terrible loneliness of her marriage .
14 Inspection of Enid 's diary , however , showed that there was very little in her week that gave her a sense of achievement or pleasure .
15 Emyard 's influence on a young woman from Tours , Emilie Tamisier ( 1834–1910 ) , that gave her the inspiration to dedicate herself to the salvation of society through the Eucharist .
16 It was Hallowe'en coming up that gave her the idea they 'd had lessons at school about ghosts , witches and Hallowe'en .
17 As any girl knew , with any normal man , that gave her the ace .
18 Strangely , it was the part of a girl in her mid-twenties ( close to Carole Ann Ford 's own age at the time ) , in the traumatic play Man on a Bicycle , that won her an invitation to visit the Doctor Who Office and discuss the role of Susan with Verity Lambert .
19 Audrey Slaughter has led the sort of varied life that gives her the experience and understanding for dealing with SHE readers ' personal problems .
20 He knew better than to ask her the time ; she was edgy enough as it was .
21 What was it about the man that set her every nerve on edge , made her tingle with an unfortunate awareness of him ?
22 Wetherby threatens to end the affair and make her a laughing-stock , especially if he intends to flaunt a new liaison with Armitage under her nose .
23 IT IS not a new idea to take an impressionable , imaginative girl and make her the saviour of a man on the run , providing food , warmth and emotional support .
24 He kneels to PAMELA and offers her a bouquet of flowers . ]
25 He is also the epitome of the New Man , and has been known to leave his office to arrive home in time to bath his daughter , Mary-Claire , and read her a story before bed .
26 I felt very proud of her and read her the letter .
27 She said goodbye to Jenny at the garage and made her a parting present of the Brownie Annual , which left Jenny almost speechless with delight .
28 The appearance of her ‘ rival ’ so encouraged Penelope that it was as if Rupert himself had come out of his house and made her a declaration of love .
29 Then he bathed her eyes and made her a cup of tea .
30 Often she did n't get up in the mornings , lying in bed while Emmie got breakfast and made her a cup of tea .
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