Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] me [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 So I suppose it was frustration that led me to break the cardinal rule of any diplomat behind the Iron Curtain in the good old days .
2 Some of the sound tests were done by a computer and luckily I had access to a computer from my dealer in Bath that enabled me to set the sound up perfectly .
3 ‘ Michael was anxious to get it sorted out and asked me to arrange the wedding . ’
4 Their president , Gordon Stulberg , became president of Twentieth Century-Fox and asked me to direct The Poseidon Adventure , which became the company 's most profitable film .
5 ‘ When Julius phoned me yesterday and asked me to bring the files he wanted to work on , he did n't tell me you were staying here . ’
6 The tree was 360mm in diameter and to enable me to get the correct clearance around the tree and the seat width I drew a rough development on the patio with chalk .
7 She was using condoms and advised me to do the same .
8 This is an important finding and leads me to question the enthusiasm and commitment that the National Blood Transfusion Service laboratories will bring to the provision of autologous blood throughout the country .
9 Whatever I use , whether it is a crystal ball , a pack of cards , or an article belonging to somebody , it is simply a stageprop ; something that gives me the right vibrations and helps me to see the right pictures . ’
10 Once I got arrested one morning for soliciting , but they let me out of the police station ; I got arrested the same afternoon , they let me out again ; I got arrested in the evening and they kept me in and took me to court the next day .
11 Then he produced his gun and forced me to provide the car .
12 Then a stitch stabbed my ribs and forced me to walk the next few yards .
13 For them an insidious sense of illusion stimulates my imagination and enables me to see the entire pageant of Venetian ships , present and past , actual and intangible , sailing before my eyes .
14 Pat rung up and wanted me to fetch the dressing table on Tuesday night I said yeah alright I 'll do Wednes but I forgot I was going out with the girls Wednesday so I went out Tuesday and she would n't let me have it , cos Tuesdays they 're not working in the kitchen
15 If I were to begin to manage another major artist , and Mark Knopfler were to ring up and ask me to get the band back together for an album and a world tour , something would have to suffer .
16 One afternoon the Governor summoned me to Government House and informed me that he had instructions to institute proceedings against Aung San for an alleged murder in the early days of the Japanese invasion of Burma , and instructed me to prepare the case to justify this to the country .
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