Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] him in [art] " in BNC.

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1 If he had known his man , and cared for what he knew , he could have battered Albany 's son and heir into surrender , instead of hauling his horse off from crushing or smothering him in the mud .
2 He started keeping Fred and himself to timetables , so that she knew where she was , and cut out eating with Fred after the show or seeing him in the daytime at weekends .
3 If you decide at the end of the day the thing to do is to pick up this kid and run like hell for somewhere you can gain , wave for help , or put him in the car and drive like mad to the hospital , then you might just do that , even though it breaks all the golden rules of first aid
4 What the charity groups think of him is hardly going to make or break him in the operatic world . ’
5 He would quite willingly lay aside his own business in order to take Hayward to a party , or wheel him in a park .
6 Assaulting a constable , or obstructing or resisting him in the execution of his duty are all specific statutory offences .
7 He added : ‘ I never struck him with my fists or kicked him in the face when I was in a standing position . ’
8 Parenthetically , erm he says somewhere in his autobiography that the one thing that consoled him in the nineteen-hundreds when he was so miserable with his wife and his mathematics , was the devising of , was the devising of prose rhythms .
9 The fate that befell him in the 1956 Grand National booked him a permanent place not only in the reminiscences of racing folk but in the British national memory .
10 DEREK RANDALL , Nottinghamshire 's former England batsman , is recovering from a cartilage operation to cure knee trouble that hampered him in the closing stages of the season .
11 The perspective of the poem follows its language , tumbling suddenly into a burst of passion and emotion as the poet struggles to observe the forces that buffet him in the heart of his mind .
12 Most of the people in Bonanza 's outfit had been aware that Mahoney was up to some kind of private business that kept him in the bucks more than whatever he earned from Bonanza .
13 On one occasion , when George Brown was to give a seminal broadcast on a new financial plan , Wigg , who had been assigned by the Prime Minister to ensure , or to endeavour to ensure , that Brown arrived at Broadcasting House respectably sober , could think of nothing better to do than to consign him in the early afternoon to the sitting-room in my flat at Ashley Gardens .
14 ‘ Take it from me , kid — ambushing 's a lot better than smacking him in the snout .
15 GAME show host Leslie Crowther is fully conscious again , five weeks after the car crash that put him in a coma .
16 It was , however , his permanent design of the deceptively simple 1920 Whitehall Cenotaph ( originally erected in wood and plaster as a saluting point for the Victory March Past of Allied troops in July 1919 ) that put him in the eye of the general public and for the first time turned Lutyens into a household name .
17 But there could be no begrudging the 1990 innings at Hove that put him in the Somerset record-books .
18 The move came after his parents Allan and Barbara won a court ruling allowing medical staff to switch off the life support systems he had relied on since the tragic injury that left him in a persistent vegetative state .
19 Better than shoving him in a creche in n it ?
20 Mr Reagan was showered by shards of glass , including at least one that struck him in the face , but was unhurt .
21 ‘ He came over incensed , accusing me of hitting the ball that struck him in the testicles … it 's a reflection of the degree of tension . ’
22 Humility is to orient our lives towards God , so that we understand and obey him in a greater and greater sense .
23 According to Antony the Devil came to tempt and torture him in a variety of fantastical forms from lascivious women to wild beasts .
24 The prosecution claims that Westmore James got into a row with the cousin , and stabbed him in the neck on the steps of a social security office .
25 She made as if to poke him in the eye .
26 And she brought forth her first-born son , and wrapped him in swaddling clothes , and laid him in a manger ; because there was no room for them in the inn .
27 And she brought forth her first born son , and wrapped him in swaddling clothes , and laid him in a manger. because there was no room for them in the inn .
28 " And she brought forth her first-born child , and laid him in a manger , because there was no place for them in the inn . "
29 I just started to hate the man , I do n't know what I would have done if I had walked out of the interview room and met him in the corridor . ’
30 On the contrary , the government initiated legal proceedings in late September against Manuel Cabieses , the director of the left-wing magazine Punto Final , for violating the Security Law by insulting the head of the army — the magazine having described Pinochet as " shameless " and " sadistic " and depicted him in a photomontage blowing his nose with the Chilean flag .
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