Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] him [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 Two women seemed anxious to provide Tate with an alibi , or to use him as an alibi for themselves .
2 Zacchaeus became reconciled to God because Jesus , instead of ignoring him or treating him like an outcast , had deliberately gone out of his way to meet and befriend him .
3 Edmund Langley , born in 1342 and created Earl of Cambridge in 1362 , was granted part of the Warenne inheritance to maintain his estate , but his marriage to Isabella , youngest daughter of Pedro I of Castile , was used to further Gaunt 's diplomatic schemes rather than to provide him with an adequate endowment .
4 What is it about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart that places him on an artistic par with Shakespeare or Rembrandt , a giant of his art ?
5 Yet around his neck was a chain bearing the bronze octagon that marked him as an alumnus of Unseen University , the high school of magic whose time-and-space transcendent campus is never precisely Here or There .
6 As they passed through the hall , she saw him glance at the picture that was hanging there , and asked him on an impulse if he knew who the original was .
7 Members of Leuchars mountain rescue team , who were on an exercise in the area , went to his aid and moved him to an area accessible for the helicopter .
8 And when the great gentleman detective got hold of the village postman and subjected him to an interrogation which ranged from what he had eaten for breakfast to whether or not he possessed a wireless set and if so what he had listened to on the previous morning , Sergeant Bramble maintained a stoic countenance .
9 Never before had she argued so passionately with a man , hating him and wanting him with an intensity that frightened her .
10 She came and kissed him like an anteater , and he went out of the door .
11 Manchester United manager , Alex Ferguson , gave England winger Lee Sharpe a vote of confidence and named him in an unchanged side for tonight 's home game against Arsenal .
12 It follows that it would not be possible to prejudice an unwelcome shareholder by engineering a proposed buy-out and committing him to an unwanted mandatory offer obligation .
13 Len Seager had been conscious throughout the entire rescue operation and as Rachel joined him briefly in the back of the ambulance and covered him with an extra blanket he managed another smile .
14 Radical deputies pointed to Yanayev 's credentials as a bureaucrat and denounced him as an " old-style leader " , and regrets were also expressed that a non-Russian had not been nominated .
15 The count alleged that the seneschal 's lieutenant entered the hall of the castle at Vic-de-Bigorre with the dean of Le Puy , and treated him in an inexcusably unmannerly fashion by seizing him by his clothing and expelling him and his household familia from the place .
16 She had misunderstood the subtleties of their relationship and cast him as an ineffectual married man , always complaining of his wife , always on the chat-up , but never getting any further than that .
17 He thanked John Edelsten for his ten years of service as treasurer and presented him with an engraved tankard as a token of the Chamber 's gratitude .
18 Willoughby de Broke saw something of himself in his grandmother , ‘ a good whip and a good horsewoman ’ , who taught him to ride and launched him on an obsessively pursued career in hunting .
19 Is the Prime Minister aware that in the year since he took office Scottish dole queues have lengthened by a further 28,000 , leaving almost 250,000 Scots without work and leaving him with an even worse record than his predecessor , the former first lady of mass unemployment ?
20 You do n't want to put him in a corner and have him as an enemy .
21 Well , can we go and ask him for an invitation ?
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