Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] them [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Suppose , for example , a particular spirit has chosen this lifetime to learn how to deal with the temptation to do deliberate wrong to others — whether by spreading malicious lies about them , stealing from them or causing them physical harm .
2 Do not subject the person to any sudden extreme changes of temperature — so do not put them next to a fire or give them hot water bottles or heavy layers of clothes or blankets .
3 As a new appreciation of the Arctic 's importance has evolved , the littoral states have tended either to exclude non-Arctic states from activities in the area , or to offer them less-favoured treatment .
4 As we have just seen , sometimes horses can not cope with a situation that causes them great anxiety , and an attack of colic is the result .
5 If kids do things with their body that give them physical pleasure , that 's more sensuality rather than sexuality .
6 They argue for the empowerment of subordinated groups , rather than giving them selective access to existing hierarchies ; for the ‘ democratization ’ of the curriculum by reorganizing knowledge to advantage the disadvantaged ; and for special teacher training for teachers to assist girls in resisting the sexist demands of their schools .
7 Recently , TCS entered into an agreement with Lotus Development Corporation that gave them exclusive distribution rights for the whole range of Recently there was uproar in India following ‘ body shopping ’ by American software firms .
8 Before entering battle , the warriors stripped to breech-cloth and moccasins , some donning war-bonnets , then prepared their medicine bundles and applied sacred body paint to invoke the Wyakin medicine powers that gave them supernatural protection .
9 The sayings of country people , sometimes tinged with poetry , always rich in concrete images and braced with the vigour and rhythm that gives them long life , are worth revealing .
10 Can we expect individuals to enjoy equal rights and participation in their social lives and yet work under an authoritarian structure at the workplace that gives them little responsibility and allows them little scope for participation ?
11 Moments of panic in the national efficiency debate often orchestrated by the new popular press — enabled medics to dramatically represent their new scientific concepts in ways that gained them intellectual hegemony and popular credibility .
12 It is time to take account of that difference between perceiving from ‘ Now ’ and ‘ I ’ and imagining from other viewpoints which we have so far put aside as irrelevant.4 Although one can respond with some awareness to remote or hypothetical situations , and evaluate them sub specie aeternitatis , everyone 's actual choices of ends are of course confined to his own present and future and to his effective scope of action .
13 Lord Justice McCowan said he found it quite impossible to hold that Mr Hurd 's political judgment — that the appearance of terrorists on programmes increased their standing and lent them political legitimacy — was one that no reasonable home secretary could make .
14 Would it be a proper recognition of the quality of their teaching and administrative staff to accept their judgment of academic standards absolutely and make them mature degree awarding bodies ?
15 For example , they have argued against almost every EC directive which would have improved women 's poor position in the work force , increased their opportunities and given them increased freedom to work .
16 Nor could he get the Scots and their French allies to the negotiating table ; the French publicly declared for the Scots , and promised them military help if they needed it .
17 Can we expect individuals to enjoy equal rights and participation in their social lives and yet work under an authoritarian structure at the workplace that gives them little responsibility and allows them little scope for participation ?
18 In cases of mild illness , such as coughs and colds , often all you can do is let children rest and give them over-the-counter medication to relieve pain or fever and help them to sleep .
19 And er , Margot was behind the and they were painting her house and somebody fell and she had to go and give them artificial respiration or something did n't she ?
20 Fed up of seeing a box of if I collected those tins and put them Back door open or not ?
21 I also take billy kids for a pal near me and rear them free range with lots of love and cuddles .
22 Since the Kaszubes lacked any political organisation or ambition and had no recognition for their language , hardly any literature of their own and barely any sense of a common Kaszubian identity , the Poles thought of the Kaszubians as a joke and paid them little heed .
23 The completion of this work would increase the convenience of searching the General Catalogue for researchers and save them valuable time , and it would also create savings in time for Library staff .
24 I used to go into the rolling mills and watch them rolling steel sheets and over about half an hour there , this was Saturday after Saturday after Saturday I used to do this .
25 We need the publishing skills which really can penetrate through the powerful myths and barriers which surround the role of books in children 's minds , and give them real playground credibility .
26 Dr George Carey called on parents to accept responsibility for the way their children grow up and give them moral guidance .
27 First of all we offer a good a service as possible , we try to get to know the individuals , and help them and give them individual advice .
28 ‘ We will cash their Travelers Cheques and give them free advice .
29 Refer patients to the physiotherapist who will assess each patient and teach them deep breathing exercises to improve respiratory efficiency .
30 I should like to congratulate CAJEC 's first chairman , Jock Worsley , and his team on a job well begun , and to wish them continuing success in the future — in the mutual interest of the profession and the public it serves .
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