Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] so [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However , as the sun 's rays pass through the Earth 's atmosphere , some of the light is changed or polarised so that it vibrates in only one plane .
2 Managers who never leave do not have to wait for another manager to retire or die so that they can fill their shoes .
3 There were no cinemas or pubs or dances so that we were forced to find pleasure in the ordinary things which surrounded us , the sky and books and the changing seasons .
4 It 's got to be the same , or related so if it 's something new , then it will be a whole new claim .
5 Braid is similar , except that the threads are interwoven or plaited so that they are unable to unwind or separate .
6 As you do each of the exercises , place a hand on the part of the body that is being stretched or toned so that you can feel the benefit as you go along .
7 Maybe we should tell him to get a modem & subscribe so that he can get some real electronic info ?
8 But do you think that there 's some way that the NEA can be reformed or changed so that it can serve that purpose ?
9 The funnel described in this chapter makes the animals come out of the soil or leaves so that you can see what they look like and find out how many there are .
10 To attack the predator while it is in a stable position on the ground is far riskier than to do so when it is clinging to high branches .
11 Again , this is no gloating sesh — without competition , NME would n't be this good — merely a roll-call of those that died so that we may live …
12 I had begun to shrink , become half human , to lose touch with my body and mentally cut off the bits that hurt so that they could n't be hurt any more .
13 Instructions to the boundary commissioners were revoked and amended so that they would be able to consider economic interest as well as population and community in the drawing up of the new constituencies ; this was regarded as vital by the Unionists , for it seemed likely that the merging of the small boroughs into the county constituencies would take away the last of the agricultural seats .
14 It 's for you to study and peruse so that you
15 We instruct without formal RYA courses at Paxos , Porto Heli and Cannigione so that we do n't hinder the flexibility of these holidays too much .
16 Wherever possible assemblies and subassemblies must be specified and designed so that they can be inspected and tested as separate items independently of the remainder of the product .
17 Wherever possible assemblies and subassemblies must be specified and designed so that they can be inspected and tested as separate items independently of the remainder of the product .
18 Both pan supports are also vitreous enamelled , and designed so that it 's easier to slide pans over them .
19 Only one of them , the Labyrinth at Knossos , was restored and repaired so that it could continue to use after 1470 , and it was more or less completely abandoned some ninety years later after a major fire .
20 This may arise when there are excesses in the diet or when the digestive system is upset and weakened so that it can not fully break down the food for the body to use .
21 It requires acting out the change in one 's own being and conduct so that it can take effect in the appropriate sphere .
22 ( ii ) Pupils should be taught how to respond to the way information is structured and presented so that they are able to identify key points .
23 Det Sgt Stimpson said : ‘ She searches him every time he comes home or goes out , and she keeps his bedroom bare of the usual toys and clutter so that she can see at a glance whether he has hidden any stolen property . ’
24 In time , plants were domesticated and selected so that they differ greatly from their wild ancestors , some so much so that their ancestors can not now be recognized .
25 He took another head punch before ducking under Elliott 's arm and turning so that they passed one another , Culley clubbing with laced fingers .
26 The oral shield is a rounded rhombic to pentagonal shape ; often the proximal angle is acute and produced so that it almost separates the adoral shields .
27 The man was close-shaved , wore the scent of deodorant , and Holly was stubble-bearded and stank so that he himself could know the foulness .
28 The idea that the Renaissance could be named , classified , described , and interpreted so that it was rendered readily comprehensible within some generalised scheme of the humanities was no longer a clearly defined process .
29 The sword was evidently the token of gift in a ceremony perhaps similar to that in which King Edgar granted privileges to Glastonbury by placing on the altar an ivory horn , which he ordered to be cut in half and preserved so that it could be offered as testimony in future .
30 It 's flying fast but approaching incredibly slowly — it 's pressing itself towards me and waving and kicking so that I 'm getting bruised all over .
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