Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] n't [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 well I mean the , the agent has n't or has n't yet sued , but I was n't really putting it like that , I was asking you whether it is your case as in presently stand looking at the defence you 've raised to whether or not you have failed to perform your legal obligations under clause nine .
2 Now , there 's two main classes of isomerism and do n't just exclude er , or do n't just include organic isomers cos we ge get organic isomers as well .
3 My Lord erm just to sweep up one or two of the other , very briefly the points my learned friend has just raised , erm I , I think it follows that our provisional position at the moment is that we think that reference is probably more satisfactory than simply going to the commission , what went , if your Lordship went to the commission and then found that they were unsatisfactory or did n't really take matters further , for one of the reasons it might very well not , is because the original complaint put to the commission was not framed in the same way as the defence and counterclaim are now framed , er there 's been a very considerable amount of refinement , both parties would no doubt wish to put submissions into the commission as to how the answer should be put or to provide information so the commission can answer them and so on and so forth and it may not be any quicker doing it that way
4 What will they do to people if this is what they do to a dumb animazl that has n't even annoyed them .
5 And now they tell us we might even have to go to some barn that has n't even got proper floorboards for us to live under as Arnold Bros ( est. 1905 ) intended .
6 She longs for the anguished desolation of a late capitalism that has n't quite worked as her generation dreamed .
7 It 's almost as if it 's a completely different team , that do n't even talk to one another .
8 And I said there 's people out there that do n't even pay it !
9 At Bergheim — three houses and a gas station — we turned on to one of those narrow tracks that do n't even get a farm road numeral .
10 Being forced to answer a series of closed questions that do n't adequately allow you to express your real needs .
11 And then you 've got different colours that do n't really go with that , but
12 Hey John , your Mum 's a Hell 's Angel anyway so sa , that do n't really bother me .
13 We 're all taught when learning to fly that we should initiate turns using a little rudder , often in aircraft that do n't really need it .
14 The only problem with it is that very often we , the people that organize the Neighbourhood Watches already live in areas that do n't really need one that much .
15 ( Barry Legge ) No , I think it 'll be quite the reverse , at the moment we have a benefits system that stretches right across the spectrum , and there are many people receiving benefits at the moment that do n't really need them .
16 Yes , I think that the crucial thing that 's emerging , especially from the area of artificial intelligence , is that we 're beginning to understand that what the name of the game is getting people to express their intentions , and for a long time we 've been , as it were , stuck in languages that do n't really help you to do that and we 're really beginning to understand now that erm what people are doing when they program indeed , I mean as it were the ace programmers , are expressing their intention for whatever 's to be done in the task the computer 's to perform clearly .
17 It means that you have discovered some foods that do n't really suit your body at the moment .
18 Perhaps we need men like Denis O'Neil to give us the pointless perspective , to underline the fact we do not live by bread alone but by blarney and beauty and other indefinable things that do n't always make money .
19 But everything else about the electoral coverage left me cold because it had such a restricted view of politics as a game with rules that do n't actually touch people .
20 ‘ You 're using muscles that do n't usually get much work , ’ he said .
21 I I observe that the Liberal Democrats have made a complete U turn in their previous adherence to providing a steady stream of services to the people of Oxford , and by setting for a budget below the capping level you are taking out of funds available to people things that do n't necessarily have to be taken out .
22 Somehow though , The Fall of Yugoslavia comes across as a series of fragments that do n't quite make a whole , and any attempts to go beyond the yawn-capacity of school history books are sadly flawed .
23 The link , he suggested , was the ‘ intuitive poster art , words to songs that are not quite understandable , superimpositions in films that do n't quite focus into a subject ’ , all of which , he contended optimistically , ‘ move us towards the new era ’ .
24 An old man , flab hoisted by plastiskin into the semblance of youthful buttocks and belly , strolled past in a scanty g-string but the game was given away by the static pads of fake muscle that did n't even twitch as he walked .
25 He was in the middle of more grief than he could deal with , yet he was piling onto it the commonplace misery of subterfuge , as if he had to protect some clandestine happiness that did n't even exist .
26 Not one of the big places , but one of the little shop-sized Chinese cafes that did n't even display an English menu .
27 Transitory , a panacea to stop the wail of the poor muddled infant : one that did n't even work for long .
28 Suppressed maternalism it may be , but her passion shines through and she can recall in detail some animals , particularly dogs , that have been dead for half a century and some that did n't even belong to her .
29 The stink told me that the heaps were also depositories for organic matter that did n't even have the excuse of being fertilizer .
30 Many feminists have become uncomfortable with this idea , but we have n't been able to find any other argument that did n't immediately pose a threat to our basic position that women must control their own bodies .
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