Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I had to admit to myself that that threw me for the minute .
2 For another , it was the opportunity to take proper revenge for the discomfort that Private Eye had caused him over the years , a revenge more satisfying than that afforded him by the Music Box April Fool 's joke .
3 Thus lie has no right to re-sell the goods other than that allowed him by later subsections of section 48 .
4 The visitors ' early grip in midfield assured a testing time of it for the home defence , and they ought to have secured a greater half-time advantage than that supplied them by Mixu Paatelainen 's glorious second-minute header .
5 They abandoned the ride and walked instead in the shade of the trees beside the track , but although this protected them from the sun 's rays the leaden heat was everywhere and there was no escaping it .
6 Some criticised his method of combating Bodyline by stepping away to cut the ball to the off , but Bradman claimed that this exposed him to a greater risk of injury than the orthodox type of batting .
7 ‘ Our area has been pedestrianised , and while we are convinced that this benefited us in the summer , it worked against us in the winter .
8 In Chapter 3 it was argued that pre-colonial society was indeed authoritarian , and that this expressed itself in a great stress on the conformity of the individual , and on a hierarchy of relationships between young and old , between chiefs and people and between men and women .
9 It gave him four and a half years of power without full responsibility — although he no doubt did not consider that this placed him in the harlot class .
10 Jones found that although a reasonably high number of employers thought that qualifications were desirable , less than half thought them to be essential .
11 None the less , such was his amicable nature that all welcomed him as a playing companion .
12 Michelle 's starring role opposite Jack Nicholson , Cher and Susan Sarandon in The Witches Of Eastwick is the one that first brought her to the attention of British audiences , however This month we 'll see her as saucy , sexy restaurant manageress Jo Ann Vallenari alongside Mel Gibson in Tequila Sunrise , and in Dangerous Liaisons- But it has been her straight lead role in the comedy Married To The Mob that has ignited the American critics ' praise .
13 He could walk out and just be so good and that is probably the thing that most impressed me about him .
14 Then I knew he was writing poetry alone , without me , and that hurt me to the depths of my being .
15 If he were to defeat a Labour government as soon as it had taken office , the Liberals would be accused of frivolity in precipitating an unnecessary election , especially if Labour contented itself with moderate policies as it intended to do .
16 as if that settled it beyond doubt , he rocked back on his heels , planted his cane between his feet and assumed an expression of profound wisdom .
17 His obsession with the social history of the Twenties and Thirties led him to Wilsford Manor , Tennant 's home , in 1986 , where he wooed the eremitic inhabitant with chocolates and orchids .
18 Mercury was believed to possess magical properties and some regarded it as the quintessence of the human body and of all substances .
19 It seems that they were side-tracked by Kammerer 's Lamarckian claims and forced into the position of assuming that , since the theory was wrong , the data had to be wrong too , and this left them with fraud as the only possible explanation .
20 And this sent him into sudden-death against Anders Forsbrand where Jamie again produced the magic wand , and downed a 20-foot birdie putt for victory .
21 They were also in the business of wiring installations for consumers ( in houses , factories , schools , offices , shops ) beyond the mains terminals , and this brought them into direct competition with the 7500 , usually small , independent electrical contractors .
22 Badgers ' coats are also getting thicker as winter approaches and this put them at risk from diggers who sell their pelts to unscrupulous collectors .
23 And this stood him in good stead when he moved to the Darlington area .
24 Walter also developed models that mimicked brain systems and this involved him with Norbert Wiener and others in early work on cybernetics .
25 Eventually arrived at hotel in Marinna de Ravenna , to be met by a complimentary bottle of Champagne and this set us off the next day , on a full tank !
26 They were made of metal and this presented him with a major problem .
27 He had held a greater ambition for some years , however , and this dominated him until the summer of 1952 — he wished to be President of the United States .
28 She writes : ‘ My time spent ‘ at the University of Oxford ’ broadened my outlook in many respects and this helped me with my academic studies and writing from then on' .
29 He 'd heard stories about him in Calcutta and half expected something of the sort .
30 It swung open at his touch but closing it , as always , was more difficult and he lugged and half lifted it into place and slipped the circle of wire over the gatepost with a familiar sensation of having turned his back on the workaday world and entered country which , no matter how frequent his visits , would always be alien territory .
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