Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [adv] with a " in BNC.

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1 Ages tend to be entered initially as six , seven or eight mainly with a view to achieving an acceptable age of completion for secondary entry .
2 Andrew and Virginia watched numbly as Horatia went to the door , returning a moment or two later with a small boy with silver-gold hair and eyes the colour of aquamarines .
3 The project will comprise a review of pertinent research findings--notably from the study of small businesses , urban geography and regional economics--together with an investigation of specific practical initiatives in the area of local business development .
4 Wipe the interior of the machine and dry thoroughly with a disinfectant impregnated cloth or disposable paper towel .
5 And Chain isolated substances which could be recognized as novel and peculiar only with a considerable knowledge of chemistry .
6 Child casualties peak between 3 and 4 p.m. with a secondary peak at lunchtime .
7 Ileocolonoscopy was performed between 2 and 3 pm with an Olympus CF 10 endoscope under sedation with 5 mg midazolam and 50 mg pethidine .
8 It is expected to arrive in early September and will take part in the Autumn Steam Gala on Saturday , Sunday , September 26 and 27 together with a selection of Great Western locomotives .
9 The weather was much better ; sunny but cold still with a trace of a breeze , a good day for walking .
10 If you have not yet paid these fees please can you send them to the Office as soon as possible together with an SAE .
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