Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Is his J a middle initial or half of a first initial ? ) and K.J. Shine , as well as A.J. Wright , R.J. Scott , P.J. Prichard and N.J. Lenham , so we could have two J sides with no trouble .
2 It is possible Minton also knew that the house was built on the site of former warehouses where some of the first slaves brought to Britain were unloaded and where many died .
3 The track index will take up part or all of the first track on each cylinder .
4 Take the time at the gallery to see what a communications satellite looks like at close quarters , or one of the first budget 405-line TV sets sold by Pye in 1938 .
5 The second beauty may be equal or superior to the first ; but still it is not she .
6 Of every cwt. of copper she was to receive 2s. or one-twentieth during the first five years thereafter to have 2s. 6d. , or one-fifteenth .
7 You should gather seeds from the best plants only , if possible selecting and marking them early on and removing all but one or two of the first , fattest seed-heads to conserve as much energy as possible .
8 The proembryoes can be frozen and stored , and their availability improves the chance of success of in vitro fertilizations as well as allowing a woman to have another child a year or two after the first .
9 Usually we would be satisfied with the results of one or other of the first two techniques .
10 The evidence for the second point of view is limited , but certainly stronger than that for the first .
11 In some words , we can observe a type of stress that is weaker than primary stress but stronger than that of the first syllable of ‘ around ’ , for example in the first syllables of the words ‘ photographic ’ , ‘ anthropology ’ .
12 I think we 'd be er prepared to accept this at , what 's asked for is a feasibility study , no more than that in the first instance and I think we 'd be prepared to accept .
13 Yet the same writer lamented that some of the first students ‘ in many cases alienated the more thoughtful minds from the denomination ’ .
14 On examination , it appears that some of the first papers were published in specialist journals , none of which appears in the highly-ranked journal set .
15 Société Générale , one of the country 's biggest banks , had to raise provisions against dud loans by more than half in the first six months of 1990 .
16 In reply , Boycott and Brearley put on no less than 129 for the first wicket — jolly good in a Test , but they took thirty-eight overs about it , with Boycott not getting into double figures until the seventeenth over .
17 Silver production had been lower than average in the first seven months of 1989 .
18 Sotheby 's paid dearly for this error of judgment with no less than six of the first nine lots in its evening sale failing to find buyers .
19 He recognised that many of the first and second generation of industrial urbanites were morally and socially disorientated — in a state of anomie or normlessness ( a sort of perpetual culture shock ) .
20 I soon discovered that those in the first group had a poise and confidence that the rest of us did not .
21 They were often shorter and plumper than those of the first category , excelling in pirouettes , élévation and batterie , because of their natural gift of ballon .
22 This is a reminder that one of the first things a Kinnock government is pledged to do is sign the European Commission 's social charter , rejected by Mr Major at the Maastricht summit .
23 It is significant that one of the first major published attacks on Indirect Rule was written by a Northern Nigeria DO , Walter Crocker , whose animus against the system clearly arose not from disagreement with its basic principles but from the fact that DOs were allowed so little responsibility within it .
24 ‘ I am glad that one of the first things
25 It is apt that one of the first two recordings made by Kurt Masur in his new role as Music Director of the New York Philharmonic should be of the New World Symphony , particularly when it comes in ample time to celebrate the centenary of the first performance of that favourite work by this very orchestra in December 1893 .
26 There was a certain irony in the fact that one of the first things Baldwin told the King , on taking over from the decrepit MacDonald , was that he himself needed two months ' rest .
27 It says that it is the counsel of the witan determined upon as soon as Cnut and his witan established peace and friendship between Danes and English , and that one of the first things the witan decided was that they would zealously observe Edgar 's law and " investigate further at leisure what was necessary for the nation , as best they could " .
28 The claim is that one of the first to mark out John Smith 's future political career was the Labour leader , Hugh Gaitskell , who was in his time characterised and vilified as being right-wing .
29 Hoping to get the answer that one of the first things we did no rising was to wash , I was a little disconcerted when my same little lady piped up ‘ weight ourselves ’ .
30 This improvement was substantial : from slightly worse than myopic on the first attempt , the average improved to getting on for 40% of the difference between the optimal and the myopic on the second .
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