Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [to-vb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 How many women would be able or willing to care for distant relatives by marriage ?
2 Such excellence sometimes has the effect of creating an ‘ us ’ and ‘ them ’ attitude in parishes , where their parish musicians feel unable or unwilling to settle for more than a mediocre level of performance .
3 The landlord , who felt that the explanation — indeed , to all intents and purposes , the apology — he had made for his wife was more than enough to compensate for any gentlemanly inconvenience , was about to get back to his work in the fields when his visitor 's too casually direct questions about the mines charged him to stay .
4 His gold coins were soon used up , but my father was a sick man and afraid to ask for more .
5 ‘ We are emerging from just about as difficult a period as I can remember in over 37 years in the business , but we are emerging with capital ratios still among the strongest of any of the world 's banks — ready and willing to lend for any viable purpose , and desperate for the chance to show both personal and corporate customers that the personal , flexible , friendly service which we have tried to give in the past and which I hope has given us the privilege of enjoying your company tonight — that same service is still very much on offer today . ’
6 The biorhythms program is simple and easy to use for those who know the subject but are not computer boffins .
7 The biorhythms program is simple and easy to use for those who know the subject but are not computer boffins .
8 The binoculars should be powerful enough for you to see what you want but not so bulky that you find them too heavy and awkward to hold for any length of time .
9 In the first place , it has confirmed the Soviet charge that the liberals were both unable and unwilling to appeal for mass protest to break the government 's resolution .
10 Young Lisa Hammond 's survival depended on an operation that would leave her in pain and unable to move for six months .
11 After a considerable delay , the government has agreed to implement the Griffiths ' recommendations , but in the meantime health services have remained overburdened and unable to care for many older people , and there is a question mark over the future of geriatric care as a result of the 1989 White Paper on health services .
12 The colonoscopies were carried out between 1100 and 1300 to allow for diurnal variation in proliferation rates .
13 For example , poor-country governments may have an incentive to report GDP as low as possible to qualify for soft loans from international financial institutions , or to get favourable trade treatment .
14 Because the procedure can not apply to development already started and it is generally as quick to apply for actual permission if the planning authority 's officer advises that it is necessary , this does not get as much use as might be expected .
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