Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When I go for a night session I make sure to arrive well before darkness , usually around 7.30 p.m. or 8 p.m. in summer , when dusk does not fall until 10 p.m. or so .
2 it must have been about four or five o'clock in morning , and now we never hear any traffic .
3 Soon after , perhaps only a matter of weeks , they are dead , or dwindling rapidly in size as they absorb their own body fats .
4 Students should have at least an Upper Second Class Honours degree or equivalent either in Philosophy or in another subject where there is evidence of the student 's aptitude for studies in philosophy .
5 Students must have at least an Upper Second Class Honours degree or equivalent either in Philosophy or in another subject where there is evidence that the student can convert successfully to the study of Philosophy .
6 I have no doubt that were he here today he would tell us that he was merely offering the hypothesis as a basis for argument ; but bearing in mind that the right hon. and learned Gentleman is the author of the words that I uttered a moment or two ago in support of the analysis of the historical nature of the government of Scotland , the Government should certainly take some account of this further straw in the wind .
7 She accepted the therapist 's simple interpretation that this probably in part explained her excessive need for attention and reassurance from Charles .
8 Likewise , in the British experience the act of pumping money into a particular spatially defined area has never guaranteed that those most in need in that area will benefit .
9 Also on April 30 , de Klerk told Parliament that he had ordered the release of 933 political prisoners since 1990 , and that those still in prison would be freed within days .
10 Although many alternative methods of financing and administering adult education could be envisaged , none would be as efficient or as economical , none would evoke a better response than those already in operation , ‘ untidy ’ as these might seem : the Responsible Bodies ( primarily the universities and the WEA ) and the local education authorities were managing to avoid an overlap in provision and should be left to continue their work .
11 It is preferable to keep the table clear of objects other than those actually in use , while a sideboard within reach of the patient is used to hold the items which will be needed later .
12 Though he 'd never really believed that any woman would behave that coldly and that violently in response to an attack .
13 There 's caffs and that usually in railway stations .
14 The massive figure of Christ , heroic and muscular even in death , is unflinchingly presented for contemplation by the viewer , surrounded by the mourning Virgin , St John and two holy women .
15 The duty sergeant told me that Bert Shorrocks was still in the cells and due up in front of the beak that afternoon , but they had n't set eyes on my old man the whole weekend .
16 Picasso 's work is crude and direct both in colour and execution .
17 Part of the show will draw inspiration from Glasgow 's most famous architect , Charles Rennie Mackintosh , who favoured simple lines and plain colours , with black and white and muted tones of grey and brown much in evidence .
18 SIR , — Your May 15 editorial is timely and wide-ranging both in geography and scope , but not always appropriate to our situation .
19 It is not true in virtue of any further relation between P and Q. It is false only when P is true and Q false , and false solely in virtue of those truth-values of its parts .
20 Aneurin Bevan who , as Minister of Health in the Labour government , pioneered the introduction of the NHS , claimed : ‘ Medical treatment and care should be made available to rich and poor alike in accordance with medical need and by no other criteria . ’
21 The road from Cauterets to the Pont d'Espagne , five miles away to the south , is all waterfalls — there are four or five of them , spectacular and profuse even in summer .
22 They rose at 4 a.m. in summer and 5 a.m. in winter , and together attended three daily services in the church : Matins , Evensong and the Litany .
23 The sample will be made up of two subsamples : those working full and part time and those not in employment .
24 The first registers kept were lost , and those now in existence were very irregularly kept , until within the last 50 years .
25 The first registers kept were lost , and those now in existence were very irregularly kept , until within the last 50 years .
26 More than £8 million was never recovered and those still in jail and others undetected may yet end up millionaires .
27 It used to be 9 p.m. in summer and 8 p.m. in winter .
28 A table of prime numbers , selected so that they are not too near to a factor of ten , and close enough in value to allow any packing density to be selected within half of a percent , is given in Appendix 4 .
29 I had the air horns primed and ready just in case one got too near .
30 It was double joy for Ian Bryson 's Glassdrummond when their quartets came first and third respectively in Grade 4A , with Cottown ‘ A ’ holding onto their previous year 's runner-up spot .
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