Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [noun] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 And then you get you work your way along and you get to the situation where erm the woman is pressured by feelings of embarrassment or social pressure not to say no .
2 The second is whether , if reference to such materials would otherwise be appropriate , it would contravene article 9 of the Bill of Rights 1688 or Parliamentary privilege so to do .
3 If there are doubts about the search firm 's ability to work at a senior level , say to find a chief executive , the client may well invite two or three firms in to pitch competitively and see who has the best overall track record and appears most attractive and experienced to the Board .
4 I could n't help contrasting it with Antrim , Edinburgh , Gateshead , even Crystal Palace where you needed two or three tracksuits just to keep warm .
5 A Soviet legal specialist wrote in 1958 , for example , that the neutralisation of a certain territory was formed by an agreement between two or more states not to transform the territory concerned , which was generally of strategic significance , into a theatre of military operations or a base for such operations .
6 Some may be seen 20 or more years later to have been seminal but were ignored because they did not fit into the theories current at the time .
7 The judgement of critics , museum men and those who work for Arts and British Councils is vitiated by prejudice and careless enthusiasm for the latest fad ( or desperate anxiety not to let the bandwagon sweep off into the distance ) .
8 Sumitomo , which quietly started getting JLE-compatible Opus products four or five months ago to seed its large accounts , will be handling both the Opus Sparc workstations and add-in Sparc cards .
9 If stars could shrink to as small as ten or twenty miles across to become neutron stars , one might expect that other stars could shrink even further to become black holes .
10 Furthermore , if by the nature of the goods and/or the work , any defects therein or any failure thereof to conform as aforesaid does not or would not become apparent ( despite the carrying out of any examination and/or such tests ) until after use we may reject the same even after a reasonable period of use .
11 For couples finding full sexual orgasm or satisfying sex hard to achieve , loving physical closeness and touching are also important .
12 But , what with today 's theatre seat prices , the difficulty of parking the car , and the limitations of radio and television , who would not pay the £5 subscription 10 or 20 times over to bring back the stay-at-home multiple choice facilities that our grandparents enjoyed .
13 ‘ Career breaks would enable women to choose to take five , six or seven years out to have their families but in that time they would be kept in touch , ’ said Miss Armstrong .
14 The Home Office took more than six weeks even to respond to the points made , by which time the situation in my constituency had already exploded out of control .
15 While living in London in 1927 or 1928 he warned that younger son not to mention his father 's American nationality outside the house .
16 Chaired by Michael Julien , it meets not less than three times annually to review the adequacy of the Group 's systems of internal control including those concerning the Group 's pension arrangements , the scope and findings of the external and internal auditors ' work , the half and full year financial statements prior to their submission to the Board , and the application of the Group 's accounting policies and any changes to financial reporting requirements .
17 A LEGACY bequeathed more than 50 years ago to help Birkenhead is at last giving benefit to its elderly folk .
18 Although I feel that one theme in To Kill A Mocking Bird is racial prejudice , I feel that this idea broadens out to the main theme for the whole novel of man 's inhumanity to man .
19 Most significantly , it states that one reason not to have a comprehensive nuclear-test ban is that it is almost impossible to distinguish small underground tests from earthquakes and conventional explosions .
20 Later in the day it will take less than five minutes simultaneously to drop the Whole group , with their stores , into Safra from fifteen C-130 Hercules aircraft .
21 ‘ One could discern no forward-looking political thinking , nor any willingness even to contemplate reform . ’
22 If your back gives you trouble , you may already have decided that finding a cure is as elusive as the Holy Grail , and that learning how to prevent back pain , and cope with it when it is unavoidable is the best way of living with it .
23 Yet there is much of scenic and historic interest here to delight the leisurely visitor .
24 They also utilize low-valued , passive , social , and subjective methods disproportionately to study subjects of low social status .
25 It 's a huge contract , and management are eager to get the plants four hundred and fifty staff back to work as soon as possible .
26 First , fold the napkin in half diagonally , then bring the left and right-hand corners up to meet at the apex ( pic 1 ) .
27 Maybe they 'll elope to Gretna Green if they ca n't find a vacant Martello tower , then it will leave me with more time for my Roman friend and dear Boudicca not to mention Dorothy Wordsworth 's Journals of which I have perused the first paragraph six times yet can not seem to recall it to mind .
28 Labour 's National Investment Bank , operating on strictly commercial lines , will bring public and private sector together to invest in long-term regional and national infrastructure projects .
29 Local authorities did buy in places in voluntary and private Homes occasionally to meet the needs of clients referred to them , but this declined by 1980 .
30 In response to repeated pleas not to use life-sustaining and life-prolonging technology inappropriately to extend the process of dying , doctors are learning to say no .
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