Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] look [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The face was long and pale , with a shaggy beard and eyes that seemed to look out from deep hollows .
2 And she might have accepted that but for the wry flicker in the eyes of the reflection that had looked back at her from the bathroom mirror .
3 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
4 The final example is perhaps an unexpected mathematical experience as there is no discussion of the tower itself but rather the child has been carried to the top of the high tower in his imagination and asked to look down at the people below .
5 Sara stopped asking questions about Portugal and ceased to look out of her window in the mornings to see if any new ships had anchored in the lee of Beenbeg Point .
6 She would have been quite content simply to stare at the house for hours , and she was still sitting there when Alain opened her door and bent to look in at her .
7 Lady Street had returned to what must have been normal for any morning at this time ; the delivery vans had gone , there was sporadic traffic in the one-way street , and people had no time to stand about gawping at the bookshop though they slowed their pace in passing and tried to look in without appearing to do so .
8 A few lengths were produced and these amateurish efforts were seen by a director of Coles who was passing through Braintree and happened to look in at an art exhibition in the Institute .
9 Of course , it was all too immediate , though some of us kept diaries , ; now we select and interpret looking back from a different Personal life and a very different political time . )
10 He stopped the car and turned to look down at her , his eyes running over her , seeing the state she was in , the grazed leg and arm , her rather dirty hands .
11 Fei Yen reined in her horse and turned to look back down the steep slope beneath the beacon .
12 He covered seventy yards to gain the partial cover of the shrubbery , flung himself amongst the undergrowth , and turned to look back at the chateau .
13 We also stopped after a few paces and turned to look back at her .
14 They talked for a while longer before Coffin put down the receiver and returned to look out of the window .
15 Cotterell nodded and started looking around for a piece of paper .
16 Other things he knew as well , and meant to look out for .
17 ‘ I stood beside the drill and kept looking up at this line we had just made ; and it was like a gun-barrel .
18 Juliet missed him , and kept looking out for him .
19 She pushed it off , rose and went to look out of the window to see what the weather was like .
20 She stopped and went to look out of the window .
21 ‘ That 's fine , ’ Alison said , and crossed to look out of the windows .
22 Shelley opened the door of the white-painted villa , and paused to look back across the vista of other villas and apartments , arranged like a real village around little shops , cafés and swimming-pools .
23 The young woman had visited both the museum and the castle before and had looked down from their heights onto the epidemic of streets below , between the top of the hill and the broad curve of the Bay .
24 The Doctor had stopped pacing and stood looking up at Lacuna .
25 He turned and stood looking back at the house .
26 Benjamin walked over , past the baptismal font and stood looking down into the sanctuary .
27 He walked slowly over to the door , and stood looking down at her .
28 He strode over to the door and stood looking down at the handle , shaking his head sadly .
29 At last David came back and stood looking down at her .
30 He sat her on the seat and stood looking down at her .
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