Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] from [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the Lake District prints at this time were made by craftsmen from either paintings or drawings or developed from sketchbook studies produced by painters who never actually touched the print themselves .
2 WARNING If you are overweight , pregnant or suffer from back pain or any medical condition , consult your doctor before attempting these exercises
3 Members have the opportunity to paint or sketch from still-life arrangements or a model or to choose their own subject matter .
4 16 years old for small agricultural tractor mounted on wheels and specially licensed or exempt from vehicle excise duty .
5 Additional allowances that can be paid include a constant attendance allowance , exceptionally severe disablement allowance , and reduced earnings supplement , which is paid to those who are unable to work in their normal occupation as a result of industrial accident or disease , and can be claimed either in addition to or separate from disablement benefit , payable where appropriate .
6 Dr David Horrobin , whose Efamol company specialises in evening primrose oil , says this natural product is approved by the National Health Service for the treatment of breast pain and certain forms of eczema and may soon be used as a way of preventing diabetics going blind or suffering from kidney disorders .
7 VITAL STATISTICS — Facts systematically collected and compiled in numerical form relating to or derived from registration records of vital events , such as live birth , death , fetal death , marriage , divorce , etc .
8 Successful business has an inbuilt ability to change rapidly , whether it be in terms of identifying new markets and expectations or diversifying from customer bases .
9 Nearly all the readings of the printed version are either musically superior to those in the theatre score , or result from octave transposition — necessary at one point to avoid an unplayable bottom B' B♭ occasioned by downward transposition from G to F. ( A change would have been unnecessary had the transposition gone the other way . )
10 They may be more difficult to breed or suffer from health problems , including major and minor illnesses , such as cribbing , windsucking , poor appetite , skin ailments , and colic .
11 An onion set is a small onion which can be bought at garden centres or ordered from seed catalogues .
12 All gullies , whether they take waste water from upstairs fittings ( via a hopper head ) or waste from kitchen sinks , must have traps to prevent smells coming up from the underground drains .
13 Since the nuclei from one animal contain identical genetic information , all the animals that develop from grafting nuclei taken from one toad into enucleated eggs will be identical .
14 The hand attached to the shoulder in some thalidomide children is just like the isolated ‘ hand ’ that develops from chick embryos whose cells in the progress zone have been damaged .
15 I now turn to the adoption minutes of city hall and now it is a process of in that city hall did not endorse a recommendation from the finance panel , the budget that came from finance panel erm so we are in the slightly unusual position of having to debate the proposals of finance panel as we were recommended to do by city hall , erm that means as I understand it that er the chair of city hall will now present the annual budget statement erm and since he is going to do that in a form of an amendment er that seven other unusual features about the way in which we would normally do it which would mean that there would be er a budget statement and where there would then be the the formal proposals and amendments themself , erm so what I would propose is to try and make sure that everybody has , has maximum opportunity to have their say erm because no two amendments can be on the floor at one time er to take what the leader of the council said first of all erm then to allow the other two leaders to present their budget alternatives as it were , without it be , this is just not did n't take it at that point if they do n't want to .
16 His comments ring true for much of the music now emerging in the wake of the Eighties rare groove scene — music that stretches from hip hop grooves to hard drum and bass soul .
17 The other form of inefficient behaviour is the pursuit of goals that diverge from profit maximisation .
18 Th the only ones are ed educated are the ones that go from rugby union to rugby league .
19 Because the typification is very inclusive , covering known criminals and people who look as if they might be , it gets its meaning partly from practical experience of people who typically commit crime in Easton , but also from prejudices that derive from middleclass notions of respectability .
20 However , that will require identifying a mechanism for a 7°C climate warming that reached from North America , across Greenland , the North Atlantic and into central Europe .
21 But this is known to lead to results that differ from profit maximization in general .
22 This process of role retreatism that follows from status denial has been described particularly graphically by Riseborough in his study of a group of middle-aged , male secondary modern teachers who had been reorganized into an academically dominated comprehensive .
23 By contrast , when innovation is discrete and there can be only one winner of an R&D race , own and rivals ' R&D substitute for each other , meaning that spillovers from firm i to firm j reduce i 's chances of winning the current R&D race without giving it any compensating advantages in the future .
24 It is , in fact , one of the longest avenues in the US : a meandering boulevard that winds from Battery Park at the tip of Manhattan straight up to the state capital of Albany , some 150 miles away .
25 Related to this problem is that of making population estimates for new zones that result from overlay operations .
26 We believe that planning authorities should try to avoid problems that result from transport generation , noise and pollution stimulated by a highly zoned land use strategy .
27 Both functional studies on isolated cells and conventional mRNA analysis on tissue homogenates , however , might generate artefactual changes that arise from tissue handling , cell disaggregation and separation , or in vitro culture .
28 Nor that Carlton Palmer 's running became more in context with the team pattern , rather than springing from maverick impatience .
29 Accountants are not professionally qualified to distinguish between the lack of cost effectiveness arising from legitimate political decisions of councillors and that arising from management failures ( The Times 5.4.83 ) .
30 Its cornfields were farmed in common and the individual strips were demarcated by the gently undulating patterns of ridge and furrow that stretched from village streets to the very edge of each parish .
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