Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] they of [art] " in BNC.

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1 This duty does not extend to protecting the economic welfare of the employee by taking out insurance or warning them of the need for insurance cover .
2 Prior to laying the information Mrs Bujok had not served an abatement notice upon the council or informed them of the alleged defects in the premises .
3 ‘ He immediately rang his bosses and told them of the theft .
4 I met with the station officers at St Anne 's Head in June of this year and informed them of the way that divers should be operating .
5 Loyalist protesters have shouted ‘ SS-RUC ’ and ‘ Dublin 's lap dogs ’ , whilst some elected MPs have exhorted RUC men to resign or mutiny and warned them of the possible consequences of their ‘ disloyalty ’ ( ibid . ) .
6 Our impact on industry through our green works campaign is there for all to see and from that point of view to encase it within the health and safety review is vitally important for all of us when we take the policy back to our members and advise them of the way in which we intend to go forward .
7 It urges them t to press for full prosecution disclosure and advises them of the frequent need to obtain their own evaluation of prosecution scientific evidence .
8 Peter gives all new members of staff a document which tells them what their duties are and reminds them of the rights of the residents .
9 The church and the French diplomatic authorities have asked the federal police to take over the investigations , but the state police have already arrested two men and accused them of the crime .
10 Cash crop exports are politically ‘ safe ’ in the sense that hard currency earnings allow Third World governments to buy in cheap grain to feed their urban populations , and relieve them of the problems of ensuring adequate food supplies from what sometimes appears to be a permanently disgruntled peasantry .
11 ‘ We are able to tell the women what their legal entitlements are , and inform them of the protection offered by the Wages Councils ’ .
12 This is not so you can cross-dress in the privacy of wild open country , or perform a stick-up on a youth hostel and rob them of the night 's takings of £14.95 , but to put over your head when the midges come out .
13 ( g ) one disadvantage with convertible loan stock is that there can be a tendency for stockholders to convert when profits and share prices are rising ( thus diluting the equity profit of existing ordinary shareholders and depriving them of the advantage of the cheaper gearing which such stock provides ) and to retain the stock when profits and share prices are falling , thus maintaining the debt burden of the company at a time when it may be least able to service it ; and
14 He has not just found a role for himself , which was something he had agonized over for years , but has used his position to lead an assault on the ills of modern society ; to try to alter people 's basic thinking , not just in an effort to improve their lives , but to persuade them of the need to preserve the planet for future generations .
15 Through their wholly unacceptable behaviour , keoi mark themselves apart from humans , while reminding them of the possibility of such behaviour .
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