Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] they off [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you do n't have them , use manual valves to adjust the radiators or turn them off in rooms not in use .
2 The Group of 77 , as the developing countries called themselves , had already discovered the capacity of the opposing phalanx of rich , aid-giving industrialised countries either to stonewall their demands for more aid or for preferential trading arrangements , or to fob them off with empty , symbolic gestures .
3 Rainwater , driven off the highway , fell in a solid wall that cut them off from any view of the outside world .
4 Even in the Elizabethan and Stuart era rural communities in certain regions such as the West Riding of Yorkshire or the West Midlands had an industrial character that marked them off from the societies that have so far been described .
5 We 've tried to love both dogs equally , and simply separate them for a cooling-off period after a fight , rather than telling them off in any way .
6 He beckoned and led them off between the Standing Stones .
7 So you can carve up the remains and sell them off to the highest bidders ? ’
8 He blew a lot of his money on gambling , even slot machines , and buying cars before he got bored with them and sold them off for a fraction of the price he paid for them . ’
9 He painted in various styles and passed them off as originals making a lot of money in the process .
10 Indeed , she was conscious of good fortune in having at last got a council flat in Southwark , and in having good neighbours in the flat across the landing who saw that her children — a boy of nine and a girl of seven — ate their breakfast , and got them off to school .
11 Many people who had never been abroad before were happy to let the tour operator take the strain and send them off on holidays where everything was organized for them .
12 One way of dealing with these problems is to run off a standard pro-forma , to fill in the blank spaces and send them off to parents .
13 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
14 I draw in the markings of each Friesian heifer — they 're all unique , you see — and send them off to the breed society , then they 're registered . ’
15 This means that using a program like WINFAX , you can combine document and data from a variety of Windows applications — a letter from word processing , a graphic from your paint program , a design from DTP , a graph from the spreadsheet etc and send them off in one FAX .
16 He was determined to get behind the Russians and cut them off from the east .
17 The folk at Fanmore gave them a good fight last week , and drove them off with five men dead , and they 've not been seen since .
18 A substantial number of police came out with truncheons , went into the house and very forcibly removed eight women and drove them off to Risley .
19 Early on the morning of the evacuation the families were preparing to embark when , in full sight of the military escort , gunmen surrounded the plane , forced the 11 men into a truck at gunpoint , and drove them off into the bush .
20 Worst of all , some tiles are inaccessible without forming a bridge with others — think on your toes and pair them off in the right order , or it 's back to the beginning .
21 Someone , somewhere must have been concerned for and worried about these unfortunate children and found their absence odd ; surely too , someone must have paid their fare and seen them off on their journey .
22 Detectives also want to trace a driver who is thought to have given 3 men a lift and dropped them off in the Blisworth area on Sunday night .
23 The band trundled back to their hotel — the infamous Chelsea Hotel — to get their best party rags on and were halfway through their quick-change when the NY police burst into their room and hauled them off to the station .
24 Exasperated Pakistani officials have threatened to round up the Arabs and drop them off at the American embassy .
25 Just as the early European explorers of the North Atlantic would bring back the tusks of narwhals and pass them off as the horns of unicorns , so would the early Arabian and Indian sailors bring back the massive bones of the Cassowary as evidence of the giant " roc " of the Sinbad sagas , or the Garuda bird of Hindu mythology , which is today the symbol of Indonesia 's national airline .
26 And get them off of the streets .
27 He began writing jokes and scripts for TV shows and sending them off to producers and stars .
28 Disturbed , Isa proposed Wilson and Pilade should come with her up to Bellosguardo for the afternoon and , since no protest was made , she hustled the two of them into her waiting carriage and whisked them off at once , leaving Maria with instructions to be there upon their return .
29 His wife packed a box with various goodies for Leonora to take to Penry , then walked with them to the jetty , and waved them off on the Sea-Fret , a sturdy fishing-boat a lot newer than Penry 's .
30 Princess Marie Louise borrowed the King 's dispatch boxes and sent them off to be copied .
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