Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] he with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Again , if a dog-owner deliberately sets his dog on a peaceable citizen he is guilty of assault and battery in the ordinary way just as if he had flung a stone or hit him with a cudgel .
2 I then saw the other soldier standing behind him — either going to hit , or hitting him with a rifle on the leg , ’ he told the court .
3 However , he begins , after a fashion that is less rare with him than is commonly supposed , by apologizing for the impressionism that supplies him with the terms he needs :
4 Edmund Langley , born in 1342 and created Earl of Cambridge in 1362 , was granted part of the Warenne inheritance to maintain his estate , but his marriage to Isabella , youngest daughter of Pedro I of Castile , was used to further Gaunt 's diplomatic schemes rather than to provide him with an adequate endowment .
5 The dangerous journey in store for Sard is not in fact in pursuit of the ideal woman , but a prosaic attempt to get back to his ship before it sails , an attempt frustrated by the theft of his bicycle and by wanderings that involve him with a silver-train and a period in gaol , the traverse of an appalling desert and a rock-strewn mountain .
6 There was a sensuousness about it that filled him with a desire to run shouting across it , to roll in it , to bury his face in it and sniff life out of its roots , to draw up his childhood from the green stems , to lie supine and shade his eyes from the sun and dream himself back into nature .
7 She wanted to say no , to go on treating him and everything that surrounded him with the same nonchalant air she 'd managed thus far .
8 CHELSEA defender Paul Elliott is to sue Dean Saunders and Liverpool over the tackle that left him with a severe knee injury .
9 That was a case in which a district board took it upon themselves to pull down Mr. Cooper 's house , which they regarded as unsatisfactory , and to burden him with the cost of demolition without having first given him any type of notice .
10 Shiona twisted round and pierced him with a look .
11 Jitters took careful aim , and got him with a headshot .
12 These replies were highly satisfactory to the King , who summoned Baldwin to the Palace at 3.15 p.m. and charged him with the task of forming a Government .
13 He pounded Benichou to the body and caught him with a right cross to the chin at the end of the first .
14 After a reviving sip of coffee , she took a deep breath , flipped off her dark glasses , and fixed him with a level gaze .
15 She sat down opposite him at the kitchen table and fixed him with the kind of look that usually preceded a full eighteen-round contest .
16 Somebody singled him out and smacked him with a car .
17 The man held up a hand to silence Barak then turned to the guard beside him and dismissed him with a curt nod of the head .
18 But you see , the Reverend has a distant relative whom he means to put in my place and so I was granted sick leave over the holiday in order that his dear Jonathan could come and assist him with the Christmas services .
19 However , he fully redeemed himself next time out at Newbury when he gave 2st to Springholm and beat him with a bit in hand .
20 Even so the men who stole a hundred pounds from him at his home in Witney still felt the need to punch and kick him and beat him with a wooden club .
21 When he found the man he threw the acid into his face and beat him with the hammer , fracturing his skull and his thumb .
22 Apart from helping with his wardrobe , LASMO also covered the costs of his tuition , accommodation and books , and provided him with a living allowance .
23 A second group of provincial delegates arrived in St Petersburg just after his appointment and provided him with a sympathetic audience for his opinions .
24 Fonda claimed that this first experience began the halt of a downhill slide into alcoholism , acquisitive , habitual spending on fast cars , Cessna airplanes , fine suits and provided him with the insight to revoke his staunch conservative opinions and adopt a liberalistic , casual , ‘ don't-give-a-fuck approach to life ’ .
25 Literally , Vitelli will kill her father and replace him with a son born of her .
26 In theory , it is a simple matter to overthrow a wilting strongman and replace him with a civilian president conveniently waiting in the wings .
28 Charlemagne and the pope had received information from certain persons that Offa was suggesting that the Frankish king should depose Hadrian and replace him with a new pope of Frankish extraction .
29 The prospect of Özal 's renewed direct involvement in party politics had reportedly been a key issue at a special ANAP congress on Dec. 1 , with the first 16 defections occurring after the failure of an attempt to unseat party leader Mesut Yilmaz and replace him with the more conservative Ahmet Kececiler .
30 Gregory of Tours could at last write a coherent narrative of a barbarian ruler and provide him with a chronology .
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