Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] he [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 Now he staggered towards Holly , making a path between the tables and benches and the backs of sitting men that flanked him on one side , and the waiting line on the other .
2 Out of a crop of precocious back division talent to whom Scotland will looking in the not-too-distant future , Gregor Peter John Townsend , who will not be 19 until April 26 , presents an amalgam of skill , pace and learning capacity that mark him as one of specially exciting potential .
3 The Varga Plants , a wound from whose thorns replaces a man 's thoughts with an overwhelming urge to kill and turns him into one of themselves , grow naturally only on the planet whose laboratories have developed them : Skaro , home of the Daleks .
4 He wrote a preface to David Jones 's In Parenthesis in which he noted the fact that Jones was of the same generation as Pound and himself ; he also wrote a preface to Lewis 's One-Way Song and described him as one of those who had been falsely labelled by " the Messenmensch " as a fascist but nevertheless chose " to walk alone " .
5 Elizabeth Woodville turned and drew him to one side .
6 Last December they were instrumental in getting rid of Mr Gaidar and replacing him with one of those industrialists .
7 Aware that Brando had enjoyed his 1979 comedy The In-Laws , Bergman reworked the same basic plot around the star 's mythic bulk , casting him as the manipulative mafia don Carmine Sabatini , who gives Broderick the job of minding a komodo dragon , and adopts him as one of the ‘ family ’ .
8 ‘ I had heard about Smailovic and his Sarajevan Opera String Quartet some time ago and had the idea of offering him support by writing a piece and joining him in one of his concerts at the front line . ’
9 Whitlock , sensing his moment , swung round and felled him with one punch .
10 We were in our own parish and had never been to Henfield at all … we said we would obey the law , if they would show us any part that empowered them to take a man from his own poorhouse and put him into one of another parish .
11 Colonel Haldane , with considerable vindictiveness , though undoubtedly to make an example to deter others from doing the like , set out to ruin him , and removed him from the place which gave him his living on grounds of redundancy , and replaced him with one of his own friends .
12 If parents wished their son to become a Scribe they took him to Jerusalem at the age of thirteen and enrolled him in one of the Rabbinical schools .
13 McCann 's perseverance saw him move 5-4 ahead after seven ends , but a double on the next restored Robertson 's advantage and pushed him within one of the winning line .
14 The figure jumped gently , rising up alongside Lexandro , and gripped him with one metalled hand .
15 I laughed again and tapped the screen above a formation of red and green flapping things , just as one of them , peeling off to the side of the main pack , dived down firing at Jamie 's craft , missing it with its shots but clipping him with one green wing as it disappeared off the bottom of the screen , so that Jamie 's craft detonated in a blaze of flashing red and yellow .
16 In a stand-up scenario , as the crazy newsagent , Merton was on form ( although rarely at his very best ) , but put him in one of his sketches and the limitations of his acting are obvious .
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