Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] he [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She now hopes that the world will no longer expect to see her on the arm of her husband , hugging or kissing him in public , behaving like a loving wife .
2 She knew him to be Alexander Rokovssky , the dark tool of autocratic monarchs and a fanatical servant of Tsarism , a man who could slit another 's throat or shoot him at point-blank range without any change of expression .
3 A definition of that sort might allow the person addressed to take into account the fact that the person making the utterance was seeking to make a serious point , or engage him in reasoned discussion , or was acting unintentionally .
4 He wondered what Berowne was expecting him to do ; find a potential blackmailer or investigate him for double murder ?
5 A volunteer normally offers to spend two or three hours per week as a companion to a former patient and may go out with the person or help him with specific tasks .
6 Today we can admire the determination that drove him across dangerous seas to find the ‘ New World ’ .
7 The IM reached for the telephone that linked him by direct line to Bacton .
8 So far as Pitt was concerned , America came first , but he was as delighted as anyone when the English force protecting Hanover won a distinct success against France at Minden , which might have been decisive if Lord George Sackville had not disobeyed an order to charge in a way that exposed him to conspicuous , though not permanent , disgrace .
9 He was always happy to help her keep her hair beautiful , even when it was time to use the greenish-brown powder that reminded him of warm cow-dung when she mixed it with water .
10 He tells interviewer Melvyn Bragg in Sunday 's South Bank Show that acting was a therapy that saved him from self-destruction .
11 Sheffield Wednesday 's player-manager watched his side claim a place in the last eight of the Coca-Cola Cup by destroying the club that sacked him in controversial circumstances .
12 Although all this assured him a footnote in the history of British science , it was his intimate association with one of the most celebrated scientific forgeries that rescued him from relative obscurity .
13 D. B. Sweeney plays Doug Dorsey , a working class lad whose bright future in the National Hockey League is ended by a playing accident that leaves him with permanent eye damage .
14 She furnished Eliot with the title and central concept of his poem , but was otherwise more important for summarizing and reminding him of other people 's ideas , such as those of E. K. Chambers speaking of literary forms encompassing ‘ fragments of forgotten cults ’ .
15 Venice and Ancona , Naples and Sicily , Florence and Bruges would watch and listen and notify him in due course of their passage , as well as of other things .
16 Its aim is to do something in the life of the person who reads it , as well as to capture his aesthetic interest and supply him with historical and theological information .
17 An eruption of hissing spluttery steam , carrying wood and metal splinters and crusty bubbles of burnt floor , violently emits from his thought-crater and covers him in gritty black rubbish , the cruel knowledge flashes through to his spine spring which , uncoiling viciously , bashes his head on the back of the seat .
18 She dropped to her knees , and unbuttoned him with quick busy fingers .
19 Manucci was wary of him , fearing and disliking him in equal proportions :
20 After he had been held incommunicado for a month his family were allowed to visit him and found him in good health .
21 After a moment , she sat up in the cluttered bed and regarded him in mock annoyance .
22 The internal structures and emotional attitudes of the party at this time coincided exactly with his own mental state , and provided him with intellectual strength and emotional security .
23 A few says later the Shah sought assurances from the US Embassy that he was still welcome in the United States cabled Rabat to say , " we assured the Shah publicly as well as in private messages that he would be welcome in the US should he choose to go there , and that there should be bo doubt whatsoever as to our willingness to receive ( him ) and provide him with appropriate protection " .
24 It may be noticed that insensibility both to moral appeals and to appeals to one 's future interests , imprisonment within both ‘ I ’ and ‘ Now ’ , are often combined in the same person , and that the combination is widely accepted as the strongest criterion for classing him as ‘ psychopathic ’ and exempting him from moral judgment .
25 They trapped him in corners , caught him and drove him into small dark spaces that rattled terrifyingly .
26 All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the faith and correcting error , for re-setting the direction of man 's life and training him in good living .
27 She ached with sympathy for him , and if this had been Christmas , or any time in those months when she had felt they were friends , she would have pulled him into her arms and soothed him with soft hands and whispered words .
28 The ruling that there should be no prosecutions destroyed the hope that such court proceedings might uncover enough information to stir a public demand for a wider and more thorough inquiry into the background to the conspiracy to murder an innocent man and to frame him with stolen goods .
29 A letter from Mary Evans , possibly written at George Coleridge 's suggestion , begged him to give up his plans for emigration , and addressed him with painful tenderness as ‘ her best-beloved Brother ’ .
30 To improve his nutritional state and get him into clinical remission before surgery he was given Elemental 028 but immediately became systemically unwell and developed diarrhoea and vomiting .
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