Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] it as [art] " in BNC.

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1 This operation may be put in two-address form by placing the editing pattern in the destination string ( where it will be overwritten ) , or inserting it as a string of " micro-operations " in the instruction stream .
2 When you 've finished faffing around with the fonts , you can choose to either axe your disastrous experiment , or install it as a TrueType font itself .
3 Either they dispute the sceptic 's right to assert the conclusion , or to assert it as a conclusion ; or they suggest directly that the conclusion can not be true , and that hence they are excused from considering any suggested reason for believing it .
4 In any event the presumption is rebuttable and will be fairly easily rebutted where a developer needs to retain ownership of the road in order to build it or to dedicate it as a public highway .
5 Such theories , he remarks , ‘ are not centrally concerned with literature ; indeed , they may marginalize or abandon it as a category ’ , and he instances their source in such fields as philosophy , psychology , sociology , anthropology , linguistics .
6 Advance comprises five distinct components and a firm has the option either to mix and match certain elements or to use it as a complete package , thereby effectively outsourcing all of its software functions .
7 In the face of the fundamentalists ' electoral success , the FLN political bureau on June 17 issued a statement rejecting " all attempts to return Islam to the era of charlatanism and myths or to use it as an instrument of demagogy and political opportunism " .
8 The suffering which inevitably follows shall be deemed to be of no consequence , because physical evolution itself disregards suffering , or regards it as an essential part of the process .
9 The suffering which inevitably follows shall be deemed to be of no consequence , because physical evolution itself disregards suffering , or regards it as an essential part of the process .
10 You can then either read it as a standard newspaper or use it as a database to search for particular articles .
11 Two choices exist , either to sell the material for scrap or use it as a substitute .
12 If he fixed a price with the buyer , and the buyer asked for Modigliani 's address , the painter was likely to give away his work at a lower price or offer it as a present if the purchaser was shrewd enough to take him out for a meal and a few drinks .
13 The Executive will have to decide whether to add the money raised by the appeal to the £5,000 or retain it as a part-contribution towards the pledge we made .
14 Most of us who are brought up in the Western Christian tradition take the divinity of Jesus for granted or regard it as a philosophical problem .
15 Read it as an entertaining mock gothic tale , or see it as a celebration of Scottish pride and of feminism , and a condemnation of the return to Victorian values .
16 Pregnant or lactating women , and children , might wish to either include more milk , or , to add to the variety , use yogurt frequently in cooking , or have it as a dessert , or have some cheese occasionally as well as milk .
17 So too has the rise of feminist versions of the nature of parenting , in which , for example , the daily physical care of children has been demystified to lay bare the sheer labour involved , and hence the need to share this burden equally rather than regard it as an unequivocal privilege ( see , for example , Oakley , 1974 ) .
18 Male behaviour is so normative that we ordinarily think of celibacy as meaning that men are to leave women alone , rather than seeing it as a positive step women take to make a non sexually-active community together .
19 He realized that accepting it as an office would have meant being pressed into staying late at night talking shop .
20 Economic living is a splendid virtue when practised by the bourgeoisie , but the French neither liked nor respected it as a kingly attribute .
21 They take the intensity of soul and clench it into a fist rather than using it as a form of release .
22 That this was true offered no excuse to the sick , evil , vicious minds that used it as a tool .
23 It is not only the exaggerated violence and horrific detail of the book that marks it as a portent of change within the genre .
24 Thus , he or she will tend to resolve the crisis rather than use it as a lever towards treatment .
25 When it comes to the mother-in-law/son-in-law relationship , this is often a little less complicated , in spite of all those mother-in-law jokes that depict it as a continuous battle between a slightly hen-pecked , but still spirited little man , and his wife 's fierce , ugly , overweight mother .
26 In each case the intention will be to emphasize the artefact 's constitutive character , rather than treating it as a mere reflection of social relations , that is a ‘ human mirror ’ .
27 One solution to this problem would be to assign a length to a probe , rather than treating it as a point , so that short probes could be contained within longer ones .
28 Analysts , however , have taken the concept of ‘ literal meaning ’ as a ‘ neutral ’ and ‘ universal ’ tool of study rather than treating it as an object of study in itself , as a part of the ‘ social construction of reality ’ which they are trying to describe and to explain .
29 The concept of cohesion is a semantic one ; it refers to the relations of meaning that exist within the text , and that define it as a text ; it occurs when the interpretation of some element in the discourse is dependent on that of another .
30 In this respect , the organiser continues to integrate the experience into schools and local authority plans , rather than perceiving it as an additional bolt-on training opportunity .
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