Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] to [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Programme variables where referred to at all are stated in gross terms .
2 Suppose no two of the processes unc can communicate on the same global channel ( even internally ) , that the list unc contains each free variable that can be input or assigned to by one Pi and used ( in any way ) in another , and that no unc has a free occurrence of any of the channels .
3 The purpose of this chapter is to fill out certain of the areas of the study of crime which have been discussed or referred to in earlier chapters , and to provide readings or extracts from original sociological work in this field .
4 If you are willing to accept employment on the basis of the terms contained or referred to in this letter , will you please sign one copy and return it to me as soon as possible .
5 If you are willing to accept employment on the basis of the terms contained or referred to in this letter and the attached schedule , will you please sign one copy and return it to me as quickly as possible and in any case within 4 weeks .
6 If you are prepared to accept appointment on the basis of the terms contained or referred to in this letter or the attached schedule , I shall be glad if you will sign one copy of the letter and return it to me .
7 11.1 Save as provided in clause 11.2 no agent adviser or other person acting for the Landlord has at any time prior to the making of this agreement been authorised by the Landlord to make to the Tenant or to any agent adviser or other person acting for the Tenant any representation whatever ( whether written oral or implied ) in relation to the Site or the Premises or to any matter contained or referred to in this agreement
8 It was therefore desirable in the public interest that statements made to the appropriate authority investigating a complaint against a police officer should not be liable to be produced or disclosed or referred to in any proceedings save disciplinary or criminal proceedings officially brought against the police officer in question .
9 Seldom has Philippe Chatrier , a man renowned for his forthright views , especially whenever he has felt the advancement or the image of tennis was at risk , been quite so outspokenly blunt , as in his final Presidential newsletter he issued before ending his 14 year reign in charge ( which & referred to in last month 's column ) at The International Tennis Federation .
10 The usual reply to the requisition incorporating practical enquiries is : Confirmed , except as they may have been varied or added to by subsequent correspondence between us .
11 You can indicate which SPRs are to be Closed or Replied to at this page , in preparation for making these relationships fixed once the SSR is submitted .
12 Graff also invokes the Bakhtinian concept of dialogue , where every utterance implies another utterance , which it answers , attacks , continues , or relates to in some way .
13 They are actually being watched or listened to by small groups of people .
14 At the back is a list of names and addresses of conservation organisations you can either join or write to for more information .
15 There were about twenty passengers ( this was no passenger ship ) and we slept in the mess , on benches and deckchairs , much resented by the crew , each of us with his possessions , or his secret , crushed like a lover in his arms and whispered to in all the languages of Europe …
16 At home Madame , if referred to at all , had always been the person who had been derided .
17 Five minutes treatment in a fresh water bath ( N.B. this must be dechlorinated , well-aerated and adjusted to within 0.2 pH units of the aquarium water using pH adjuster or sodium bicarbonate and an accurate pH kit/meter ) will cause the flukes to release their hold and drop off the fish .
18 In his article 169 letter , the European Commissioner stated that it was important that the rail link and the station should be considered together in terms of the environmental impact assessment if the European Community directive , signed by the Government and agreed to by this country , were to be met .
19 An employee denied such a statement may refer the matter to a tribunal which will determine the particulars which should have been included and referred to in such a statement .
20 Not particularly these circumstances in an objective sense , but the way in which they are perceived and oriented to by black people .
21 There is no need to hold that all human beings should always and only be approached using the interpretive action scheme , any more than the reverse claim makes sense if adhered to in all circumstances .
22 Young Guard , one of the most popular of this type of journal , had a circulation of only 9,000 in 1922 , and dropped to between 5,000 and 6,000 an issue by 1926 .
23 We do n't see ourselves as special people and we do n't see ourselves as having specific financial credentials , although some members of our group , not myself , may have those , but we try by listening to the people who 've elected us and listening to in general comments that are made from outside the council , which is a terribly closed body .
24 In a breakthrough case on 20 March this year , four policemen in Guatemala City were convicted of the murder of a 13-year-old street child and sentenced to between 10 and 15 years ' imprisonment .
25 These were then filed and added to with frequent reports , letters , and documents .
26 Kidwelly was established within a short time of the Norman Conquest , and added to by various baronial families during the reign of King Edward I and later .
27 They deposit scent from the tip of their abdomen along the route from the food to the nest , and this trail is followed and added to by other ants as they return with food .
28 Here , the railway developed its headquarters when there was little money to spare and the buildings inherited in 1960 have been adapted and added to in piecemeal fashion .
29 Between 1984 and 1987 he was managing director of , a family owned business which was floated on the USM in 1985 and sold to in 1986 .
30 After a hasty meal we assembled all hands , distributed torches and rummage equipment and set to with forced enthusiasm , as we knew from experience that often these hot suspect ships had been hammered unmercifully by a succession of rummage crews at every arrival , besides which we were not feeling at our best .
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