Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] in a little " in BNC.

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1 On the front , you have a picture with a jigsaw-shaped piece missing which you have cut out and either put it on their back or hidden in a little flap on the costume , which can be seen if people lift the flap up .
2 While many visitors are simply content to unwind on the beach or indulge in a little holiday sport and activity , others have the opportunity to gain a better insight into the history and customs of this beautiful region .
3 In a bowl , beat the yolks with the caster sugar and mix in a little cream .
4 But there was no reason why she should not stretch out on the forward superstructure and get in a little sunbathing .
5 The menu for the main banquet was printed in black , with intricate gold filigrees , on vellum pages and bound in a little book whose covers were in blue silk and gold .
6 She had stretched out , lying on her back and speaking in a little girly voice .
7 And I left in about nineteen fifty or fifty one and started in a little shop in Road in .
8 ‘ Assortment of complimentary bath gels and unguents in a little wicker basket by the sink ? ’
9 He then proceeded to another of his homes , Cornbury Park , where he relaxed and took in a little hunting .
10 I did n't bother the milkman , but a lady kindly came and put in a little battery — and then the neighbours adjusted it and got it going .
11 Cut the crusts from a thick slice of bread and soak in a little water .
12 The skull with the lead in it doth weigh thirty pounds and sixe ounces , which with the neck-bone , and some other bones ( in like manner full of lead ) are reserued , and kept in a little chest in the said Church , neare to the place where the corps were found ; there to bee showne to strangers as reliques of admiration .
13 They came and stood in a little group , disciplined and obedient .
14 All I can see is the face of Rainbow Rosenbloom , receding backwards in time and space and vanishing in a little pinpoint of light .
15 Then we 'll drive back to the city and dine in a little ristorante in Trastevere where you 'll eat the best carciofi alla giudia in all of Roma . ’
16 how you can persist in being so utterly incompetent bewilders me , and so while indulging in a little light entertainment in the ZZAP ! offices ( brutally torturing the staff for being human ) I decided it was time I found a solution to the problem .
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