Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pn reflx] from the " in BNC.

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1 Whereupon , declaring that no less precious food should thereafter pass her lips , the lady had , variously , starved herself to death or flung herself from the window , in which case her blood had forever coloured the ruddy rocks of Roussillon .
2 The effects of the Great Depression and a renewed possibility of war in Europe in the 1930s made most Americans all the more determined to isolate and insulate themselves from the quarrels and atavism of the nations of Europe .
3 He sat down and helped himself from the coffee-pot on the table , then refilled Lucy 's cup as well .
4 The raiders smashed the front door panel of the garage shop and helped themselves from the cigarette shelves .
5 In some cases , the author seeks to disguise his presence and distances himself from the narrative by employing techniques such as interior monologue , dialogue and intermediaries , which simultaneously highlight the subjective nature of the material presented and create the impression of an autonomous narration .
6 Dear Donna said virtuously that she had to write her report , and disentangled herself from the conversation before she was asked to babysit .
7 Only with an effort did those who had been to all the other parties locate one another and separate themselves from the mob .
8 It has been an almost Darwinian process , of course , with those failing to shrug off the stereotype simply going out of business and removing themselves from the genetic pool .
9 He escaped with a broken leg and pulled himself from the wreckage before Crowfield emergency services arrived from the club .
10 Mr Thomas Rideout , his successor as Conservative premier , called a snap election for April 20th and distanced himself from the Peckford follies .
11 Through the manipulation of doles in times of dearth , the putting up of prizes for sports and the supplying of beer for calendrical and special festivities , together with an elaborate and conscious " social theatre " of ceremony , the gentry were able to rule and distance themselves from the consequences of their own exploitation .
12 Mr Walesa has now apparently decided to stress the more open-minded traditions of Polish patriotism — Poland was once a central European melting pot — and to distance himself from the foreigner-hating sort of nationalism to be found among some Polish politicians and churchmen .
13 Many commentators interpreted Aquino 's action as an attempt to revive her reputation as a populist and to distance herself from the charges of nepotism , corruption and incompetence which had been increasingly directed against her government by critics from both the right and the left .
14 But in the short and euphoric interval , even Mr Mann has softened his approach , indicating that he was now prepared to accept the constitution of India , and distancing himself from the latest demands by the ultra-belligerent Sikh student movement for an alternative government .
15 But in the short and euphoric interval , even Mr Mann has softened his approach , indicating that he was now prepared to accept the constitution of India , and distancing himself from the latest demands by the ultra-belligerent Sikh student movement for an alternative government .
16 In the novel , humans keep animals to demonstrate their empathy and differentiate themselves from the robots , but the irony is that radiation has killed off almost all real species , and the goats , horses and sheep which people keep are electric androids as well .
17 He had found out what awaited him , and removed himself from the scene long enough , he had hoped , to escape the judgement .
18 I spoke to her , telling her to do as we had earlier discussed and detach herself from the scene so that she could see it and tell me about it but could not feel any distress , whether mental , physical or emotional .
19 ‘ The film will feature interviews with victims of male aggression in Ireland , Nicaragua , Palestine and Hackney , focusing on the need for women everywhere to join hands and liberate ourselves from the yoke of anti-female oppression , ’ said the letter .
20 Mark sagged forward on to his desk , straightened up , and dragged himself from the brink of sleep .
21 In other UDC areas local authorities and UDC Boards are working together to ensure that there is some balance to redevelopment , and officials are making great efforts to reassure residents and distance themselves from the LDDC experience .
22 Juliana Hatfield might not be a gender warrior or fight city hall , but distances herself from the herd of two-bit supposedly alternative US bar-bands by being outwardly conservative and inwardly maverick .
23 Will he extend warmhearted support to the Labour party , which advocates such a policy , but dissociate himself from the actions of the shadow Home Secretary and the Leader of the Labour party who buy foreign cars ?
24 ( Cohen also refers , for instance , to white youth who supported overtly racist immigration policies but dissociated themselves from the National Front ; see also the research on white youth reported in Coffield et al. ,
25 To sidestep any arguments about who should inherit the party 's vast fortunes if a split occurs , the delegates declared themselves to be the legal heirs of the HSWP , whilst dissociating themselves from the old party 's ‘ crimes , false and mistaken principles and methods ’ .
26 Ministers had no choice but to distance themselves from the bombing .
27 I am sure that he will wish to join me in congratulating the governors , the headmaster and the parents involved in the school on their wisdom in applying for grant-maintained status so as to free themselves from the bureaucracy and interference of the local education authority .
28 She glanced at the backdrop of gentlemen , most of them in uniform , standing uncomfortably near the wall as though to divorce themselves from the proceedings and her heart sank as she thought of Craig , he should be here today , sharing in her adventure .
29 The station itself was built with massive stolidity as though to distance itself from the Georgian grace of the great imperial buildings near by .
30 describe ‘ reasonable ’ white teenagers , some of whom were sympathizers of the National Front , as distancing themselves from the ‘ skinheads ’ or ‘ lunatics ’ .
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