Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [indef pn] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 I usually make her coffee , and if she runs out of fags or needs summat from the shops , I go for her .
2 1a identify the place value of a column or a digit in it for values of units , tens , hundreds and thousands ; 1b represent in numerals a whole number given in words ; 1c represent in words a whole number given in numerals ; 1d order whole numbers ; 1e provide a whole number which is between two given numbers in size ; 1f represent a given whole number on a number line or read one from a number line or scale ; 1g demonstrate understanding of relationships of the form 13 x 8 ( 10 x 8 ) + ( 3 x 8 ) .
3 The pupil can represent a given whole number on a number line or read one from a number line or scale ( Example 81 ) .
4 2a The pupil can identify the place value of a column or a digit in it for values of tenths , hundredths and thousandths ; 2b the pupil can represent in numerals a decimal number given in words ; 2c the pupil can represent in words a decimal number given in numerals ; 2d the pupil can order decimal numbers ; 2e the pupil can provide a decimal number which is between two given numbers in size ; 2f the pupil can represent a given decimal number on a number line or read one from a number line or scale ; 2g the pupil can understand relationships of the form 1.3 x 8 ( I x 8 ) + ( 0.3 x 8 ) ; 2h the pupil can represent a fraction in tenths or hundredths as a decimal ; 2i the pupil can represent a decimal with not more than two decimal places as a fraction .
5 The pupil can represent a given decimal number on a number line or read one from a number line or scale ( Example 89 ) .
6 If it has n't , the only thing you can do — apart from continuing your garage-less existence , or renting one from a car-less neighbour — is to convert part of the ground floor of your house to construct a built-in garage , with all the upheaval and loss of living space which that entails .
7 ACT is now a separate computer maintenance company that was split off from Apricot before it was bought by Mitsubishi , the Japanese conglomerate that produces everything from the four-wheel Shogun to equally rugged Nikon cameras .
8 Overall there are some 80 plus codes that control everything from the font required , the justification format , the numbers of columns , kerning , tracking , leading and a host more .
9 Nationally the Liberals , chaired by David Moorish and boasting a logo that resembles something from the side of a soap powder box , will field around 70 candidates the next nearest is in Leeds .
10 My conviction is that as we take action , and show that we mean business , we will find that it is at that point precisely that the Holy Spirit comes to help us in our weakness and change everything from a mechanical discipline to an encounter with the living God .
11 A trigger operates the accelerator and produces anything from a gentle breeze to a 140mph gust .
12 Visitors can wander round the vessel and explore everything from the engine room to the galley and from the bridge to the gun turrets .
13 Pop in and enjoy everything from a fine à la carte meal to a chat over a drink .
14 He ran his gloved hand up across Alexei 's shoulder , and pulled something from the stiff material of the embroidered coat .
15 ‘ Now we 'll begin again , ’ said the CEO , ‘ and we will bury all the thinking we were doing in the last meeting and approach everything from a new angle .
16 Each of the Moi carried a long-bladed machete which had been dubbed a coupe-code in Annam , and taking one from the nearest tribesman , the Senator bent over the dead buffalo .
17 To further test the old grey matter we are asked ‘ What is a Book ’ and offered everything from an illustrated guide to Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire to a United Kingdom passport and even a cheque book .
18 Normally he 's quite happy to go out and grab someone from the street .
19 Please lads , do n't make the same mistakes and take something from the game .
20 With these basic materials , Hegel developed his total system which included and explained everything from the nature of knowledge through the evolution of human society and culture to the whole history of the universe .
21 It is one of the most FUN and PURPOSEFUL things I have every been involved with — and when interviewed on the BBC RADIO in May about it , I said that I thought industry and commerce could take a leaf out of our book and learn something from the spirit of common purpose , good humour and teamsmanship — a statement provocative enough to get transmitted , as you might imagine .
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