Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [indef pn] of the " in BNC.

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1 It would have been better if we could have come at the weekend & seen something of the family , but Richard had long-standing plans involving friends of his who could only come ( from Macclesfield ) on Saturday .
2 The latter declares *John was seen leave ungrammatical because the embedded clause seen leave is " unsupported " , i.e. constitutes " a subject — predicate sequence that exhibits none of the internal inflectional structures of a full sentence or clausal complementation " ( i.e. neither tense , nor infinitival to , nor progressive -ing ) , whereas John was seen to leave is said to be grammatical because here leave is " supported " ( by to ) , and can therefore serve as an argument for the verb see ( pp. 123 – 4 ) .
3 Not only can responses be fixed in a way that reveals something of the foundations which underlie them but the method itself can also act as a catalyst for the kinds of looking that lead to increased perceptual awareness .
4 So everything in between has an unfulfilling lack of immediacy , and instead of being drawn more vividly into the drama ( which is presumably the principal justification for recording live ) we experience a remoteness that characterizes none of the studio recordings with which this version has to be compared .
5 But this was an encounter that had none of the froth of those liaisons .
6 More than a hundred years of systematic captivity had created a whole new genus , animals that had none of the skills and few of the desires of a wild habitat .
7 Had Furlanetto done his homework on the great singers of the past , simply in order to try and absorb something of the tradition in double-quick time ?
8 It was also a pleasant break from air-travel to go by road from Agra to Delhi , and to see something of the country .
9 Despite our wariness of exclusivity , if I had a satisfactory answer to my first question ( somewhere along the lines of : we pay nothing and lose none of the candidate fee ! )
10 On the one hand , as I wrote , I found myself wanting to alert readers to an increasing amount of detailed literature , across a wide range of disciplines , currently being reported ; and to indicate something of the complexity of the issues being pursued .
11 Now that we have looked at Wharram Percy deserted village and seen something of the 30-year long excavations there , we should look at other studies and excavations on village sites which seem to suggest the same developments implied at Wharram Percy .
12 This is neither brash , spotty punk nor controlled smoothly executed musicianship but a careful balance which utilises the expertise of the latter and loses none of the instantaneous excitement of the former .
13 When they had finished he ran round with a hat and allowed none of the audience to escape , saying : ‘ Gentlemen , for our art . ’
14 I behaved with great dignity and showed none of the resentment I may have felt .
15 It appeared to be feeding normally and showed none of the obvious signs of illness .
16 In the middle of this he was trying really to listen to the distress of the family and demonstrate something of the compassion of God at the same time .
17 ‘ And yet to have been there and heard none of the holy words which we should naturally have listened for from those lips at such a time — how distressing ! ’
18 This type of joy is not superficial , for it is a costly experience , gained only through suffering and sharing something of the crucifixion of Christ .
19 Müller is once more exemplary in every respect , catching precisely Senta 's elated , fanatical state and betraying none of the wobble that afflicted some of her coevals , such as Ursuleac , in the role .
20 This concept of individual timetables enables us to get away from the focus on the family or household as an undifferentiated unit , and to understand something of the complex patterns which evolve when individuals ' lives are woven together over the period of their lifetimes .
21 After all , I was more of an outsider there than at home , being out of my milieu and having none of the social graces or advantages of my fellow-pupils .
22 This was at Fred 's suggestion and with the acclaim of all the players , and tells something of the charisma of the man
23 The child of one of her lodgers died in her house in April of an undiagnosed heart complaint — the tiny thing 's heart simply stopped as it lay in its cot — and though she was sorry for it and sympathetic to the last degree she was aware that inside herself she shrugged and felt none of the horror and distress such an event would once have caused her .
24 Sir , — I read the article in the October issue , When growth and stability turned to disaster ( see p 26 ) , with a good deal of interest having worked with a professional firm in the Isle of Wight in the fifties , and knowing something of the type of clientele referred to .
25 ‘ Ted is not local , ’ he told Tamar , ‘ and knew nothing of the danger of that marsh .
26 That was a mythical representation of Scotland that owed everything to the prejudices of people who lived in the past and knew nothing of the realities of the Scotland that then existed .
27 Sex in Miranda 's experience was n't a matter of spectacle , but of darkness and touch , magnified by her senses ' usually exacerbated state , the extremes of the night , of smoking and drinking and hunger and tiredness , and she was a blind swimmer through walls of warm water , and knew nothing of the practice and technique of the models in the pictures crammed edge to edge in the shop .
28 Mr Litmus was quite certain he had n't and knew none of the other teachers had either .
29 But the appointed attendants snivelled by day and snored by night , and understood nothing of the pharmacopoeia and its uses , until Ariel , strained taut by her predicament , became impatient with them .
30 We were both strong healthy girls at the time , and thought nothing of the dream ; it was just a curiosity ; but she did in fact die two years later — very suddenly , very unexpectedly , of an infection .
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