Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv prt] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They suggest some of the typically simple pleasures of later life in the past , such as keeping parrots or pigeons , gardening or baking , playing dominoes , drinking a nightly glass of porter at home , or going out to gossip with old workmates .
2 little local people , part time housewifes earn a bit extra to pay their mortgage or save up to go on holiday
3 In other words , she could be a girl who led a somewhat itinerant life in the habit of taking jobs in various parts of the country or moving about to live with different men .
4 The housewife has to get the washing there in the first place , she has to unload it , sort it , sit and watch it wash and dry ( or dash out to shop in the interim ) and then pack it all up again .
5 He often worked in a friend 's studio , and took his meals at Rosalie 's where he peeled potatoes or washed up to pay for the meals .
6 Illustrations and photographs can be maximised to full screen size if required , or set up to load as a full screen image every time instead of just half screen .
7 Then , there was nothing else to be done except get back to work in the cutting room at Paramount where he was working around the clock on The Two Jakes , for which the world of movie entertainment was waiting with bated breath ; because even though all of the above makes fascinating reading for everyone intrigued by Hollywood 's pop royalty , especially one so colourful and mercurial as Nicholson , it is the mere trivia , the overcoat of gloss and glitz , that hides the real Jack Nicholson …
8 Starting in South Island , you will find that flying in to land amid the snowfields of Mount Cook or the ice of Fox Glacier of Franz Josef in the Southern Alps is something PPL visitors can unfortunately only do as passengers in the fixed-wing or chopper flights that operate out of local airfields .
9 She attracts much more of a following than previous Indian imports , partly because she encourages people to keep their jobs rather than dropping out to live in a commune .
10 I take my jacket off again and sit down to look through the War files …
11 He begins by presenting the information content of several protein families and goes on to deal with a variety of subjects , such as the evolution of the genetic code , neurobiology , the primaeval soup , black holes and cosmology .
12 Along with senior managers , Mike hosts site visits for all sorts of groups including schools and colleges and goes out to speak to local community groups .
13 Alice smiled and nodded , and got up to stand at the window , looking out .
14 God damn Humber , I thought , and got up to write on the charts on the bed-table .
15 ‘ Tank you , ’ he said , being unusually polite , and toddled off to rummage in his toy box which sat in the corner .
16 Pete nodded and moved off to look for some more of Bob Ivie 's jungle juice , and Diane eased her way through into the ballroom .
17 Then she coated the thick planks of the door and moved along to work with Mina on the walls and eaves .
18 She squared herself , and moved along to look into the nearest of the rooms .
19 Dot pushed back the blanket , slid off Gloria 's lap and moved back to sit by her window .
20 ‘ Yes , ’ she whispered , then smiled when he went very still and drew back to stare at her .
21 After a while she came over to Tallis and bent down to peer at the human .
22 Busacher snorted , drank , and wandered over to look at the long table which had been set up right down the centre of Willi 's big living room .
23 He came back to England and seemed about to succumb to pneumonia but , ten days after his return , he went on another visit to Paris , on this occasion to receive an honorary degree from the University there .
24 Gyggle got up from behind his desk and came round to front of it .
25 She stood and came over to sit beside him on the bed .
26 Melissa was about to get back into her car when Bonard called her name and came over to speak to her .
27 He moved agitatedly across the room and then turned and came back to stand over Briant 's chair .
28 He stuck out his tongue and squinted down to look at it .
29 Remove and spread out to dry on a rack in an airy place ; if not thoroughly dry , it becomes mouldy later — then store in airtight containers between greaseproof paper .
30 In school the girls kept whispering and turning round to look at me ; Liza had told everyone .
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