Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [to-vb] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 The question was whether to settle for a return to the status quo , or to try to unite the two Koreas and achieve a victory over the communists .
2 This idea is used in an electronic clock or watch to produce the 1 second pulses for the display .
3 These highly professional artists presented popular programmes of light opera and semi-classical works that seemed to please the thousands who flocked to hear the concerts .
4 We also aim to prepare more four year olds for full-time education and we aim to provide incentives to schools that wish to diversify the fourteen to nineteen curriculum .
5 The volume of investments fell 10 per cent short of the target and failed to reach the 1988 level .
6 The pilots on Oct. 4 withdrew their pay claim and agreed to accept the 6 per cent national guideline agreed by the government and the trade unions , but the airlines refused to respond while the matter was before the arbitration commission .
7 Fold the excess lining pastry over the lid and press to seal the two layers of pastry together .
8 From 1924 to 1930 , Dr Clarke maintains , he was mainly concerned with politics and policy , and tried to coordinate the two in a pincer movement on the Treasury .
9 He kissed Laura , sat down , and tried to bring the two subjects put to him into order , and under one heading .
10 His jacket was torn off during the first verse and his shirt during the second , then the Little Sweep realized he had made a monumental error and tried to tell the two schoolmasters not to remove his trousers .
11 He pulled the door to behind him — he was reasonably certain there was nothing for him to see in the engine-room anyway — and stooped to examine the three dead men .
12 NEC Corp is entering systems integration agreements with Digital Equipment Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co in Japan , and plans to offer the two companies ' RISC-based servers alongside its personal computers : it says its primary focus will be the market for multimedia systems .
13 ‘ Willingly ! ’ said the earl , and turned to descend the three steps , the skirts of his crimson surcoat swirling around him .
14 In addition , the venturi effect between the two vehicles assists this swing and tends to suck the two vehicles together .
15 Grindley may have his fate in his own hands , with Black spurning the chance to run tonight and deciding to run the 200 metres in this weekend 's Pearl British Championships at Crystal Palace .
16 You can accept this suggestion and opt to make the two objects keep the alignment .
17 We exploited the differential effect of phosphatase treatment on ATF1 and CREM to identify the 43 kDa polypeptide detected in crude nuclear extracts ( figure 4C ) .
18 At this they would leave their trades and rush to join the fourteen ‘ seine ’ boats and the fourteen ‘ volyers ’ that followed the seine boats in pursuit of the shoals .
19 This requires careful measurement and joining to keep the two elbow bends aligned — assemble them dry and mark with a pencil .
20 I went to the National Gallery and offered to sell the two Paul Klees I had carried with me , to tide me over .
21 A drama panel was set up in 1974 , in order to consider schemes which avoided the polarization of practical courses on the one hand , and the literary aspects of dramatic art on the other hand , and attempted to integrate the two .
22 The neo-Nazi Republicans ( Republikaner ) had campaigned strongly for German reunification , while also playing on West German fears engendered by the flood of immigrants from Eastern Europe , but failed to win the 5 per cent of votes needed to win representation in the Landtag .
23 The buyer paid the cash sum but failed to deliver the two ‘ trade-in ’ lorries .
24 This was the first piece of silliness : Comet already has 8.8 per cent and Dixons has almost 18 per cent — quite enough when merged to breach the 25 per cent ceiling which triggers a Monopolies Commission inquiry .
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