Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 If no list has been registered , or the persons named have died , or ceased to reside in Great Britain , or refuse to accept service on the company 's behalf or for any reason can not be served , a document may be served on the company by leaving it at , or sending it by post to , any place of business established by the company in Great Britain .
2 Poland had by now withdrawn most of its trade through the city to its own port at Gdynia , and the Reich could hardly be expected to maintain or guarantee for an indefinite period the subsidy the city required.20 Lipski and Göring agreed that Germany and Poland should draw together in an understanding that they would jointly stabilise the city if the League should either collapse or decide to withdraw from Danzig .
3 Dwyer is monitoring the continuing rumpus over whether players should be involved with their provinces in 15-a-side competitions or opt to play for Australia in the sevens tournaments .
4 The boredom was broken only by bayoneting rats , bailing more water out of the trench or having to listen to Tommy repeat the same old melodies on a now rusty mouth-organ .
5 However , Barbarossa was still suspicious of the leader of the Guelphs , and when he resolved to go on crusade he ordered that Henry must either follow him to the Holy Land or return to exile in England for a further three years .
6 The main stumbling block for Drouot and other auction houses that want to deal with Russia is that the old export regulations ban any external trade in works of art created before 1945 .
8 It sounds to me as if there are too many people that want to get into Sussex in English , and not so many that wanting to get Chemistry .
9 This was also accompanied by a reflective quality of thought that seemed to correspond to Parson 's higher categories of aesthetic appraisal , and to McCoy 's ( 1977 ) notion of emotional satisfaction being related to a construct system 's construal of its own adequacy .
10 This month the clergy forced the hierarchy to issue a letter requesting ethnic Hungarians to stay in Transylvania and work for change rather than seeking to flee to Hungary .
11 There was , however , a greater awareness of the need to develop a framework of rules which could operate in the interests of the world community as a whole — against terrorism or narcotics , for instance — and a greater readiness to establish relations with traditionally conservative states , such as the Arab monarchies , as well as with those that claimed to adhere to Marxism-Leninism .
12 There are imposed on this construction many lessons that seem to come from Richard Wilson .
13 He might have been more at home in some of the radical Protestant sects that began to appear in England and — later — in America during the seventeenth century .
14 The decision to press ahead with new builds on a large scale was based on Provincial 's conviction that it could reduce its losses if given the freedom to operate cost-effective diesel-mechanical rolling stock , allowing shorter but more frequent trains , than having to take on InterCity 's weary cast-off locos and hauled stock .
15 To this day they have unresolved arguments about the repatriation of prisoners-of-war , about the ownership of the Iraqi fighters that flew to shelter in Iran after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait , and about the hostile groups each country harbours on its territory .
16 Dobson came on because Waddle was tormenting poor Alan Wright on a day that looked to belong to Wednesday when John Harkes let rip .
17 Compagnie des Machines Bull SA wants to cut its payroll in France by between 6% and 7% — 800 to 900 people this year , and will offer voluntary redundancy terms to those that agree to depart by June 30 .
18 I felt that it should now be placed on record that the monumental and disgraceful row which was a feature during the Battle of Britain between the two Air Vice-Marshals — Keith Park and Leigh Mallory — was in no way comparable to the discord that appeared to exist between Bennett and AVM Sir Ralph Cochrane , AOC No 5 Group .
19 ‘ It was wrong , I know , but , as I said , it was easier than trying to explain about Paul , and , to be perfectly honest , no one ever mentioned David to me after he 'd gone .
20 ANGRY Aston Villa boss Ron Atkinson yesterday hit out at a Premier League fixture glut that threatens to rebound on England .
21 Stories circulate about regiments that refused to go to Vilnius , and of officers who refused to fire once there .
22 They had never been on Scottish waters before and planned to go round Skye .
23 They ‘ had a motor car placed at their disposal … and planned to arrive at Dennis ' home [ at Ancaster , near Sleaford ] at 9.30 , so as to have a glass that cheers , and then talk until midnight , the earliest time for signing .
24 At LULLINGSTONE , a ferro-concrete station was built and planned to open in April 1939 .
25 The discovery , in 1945 by Brotzu in Sardinia , of antibiotic activity in a species of Cephalosporium recovered from the sea near a sewage outfall was brought to Florey 's attention by a former British public health officer and led to work at Oxford and elsewhere on this and similar organisms .
26 In the early hours of 14 May last year Saltcoats-based McGregor phoned the Dundee home of Derek Kelbie , 44 , and asked to speak to Tracey Ann McLaughlan .
27 ‘ Edwards rang Barnet yesterday at 1.40pm and asked to speak to Stan who was n't there .
28 He got an outside line dialled the law courts and asked to speak to Luciano Bartocci.While he waited he looked round his office with a deepening frown , trying to track down the detail which had been altered .
29 and put the phone down and she rung straight over onto Jan 's extension and asked to speak to Maureen and Jan , so Debbie got a snip of it cos Judith refused , she said rude cow , she said she need n't have slammed the phone down she could have at least said hello so they had her dinner time said Jan was that Lynnette on the phone ?
30 He then reappeared in the dining car with an interested crowd of people following him and asked to speak to Xanthe , who up until then had kept palely quiet .
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