Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] [det] " in BNC.

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1 And as for what I want from you , I hardly think this is the time or place to tell you that .
2 You almost never find all the symptoms of the case in a remedy picture and you will never find all the symptoms of a remedy in the disease picture of the case , so do not look for it or try to fit it all in .
3 She also argues that , if an agency does not exercise detailed control , it nevertheless exercises the ultimate control of the worker , since it can withdraw him or refuse to offer him another assignment should his performance fail to meet required standards .
4 The upper limit on the amount of data is set by the database that has to handle it all , rather than by the car code system .
5 After the trials of Halton , Cranwell was a haven , With my pay now being nearly 30 a week , I invested in a motorcycle — a square tank Rudge of questionable vintage — for £4 ( at a pound a week ) , but soon cured myself of the motorcycle bug that seemed to affect us all at the time .
6 He has a way of speaking that seems to turn them all into engines , which , in terms of simple physics , is what they are .
7 By asking such questions it ought to be possible to begin to address systematically some of the sources of organizational diversity which both modernity and postmodernity present to us in their many authentic ways , rather than trying to push them all into a limited number of boxes made to a dominant pattern .
8 I mean some people adopt the approach of trying to d do it all in about two hours just before the deadline so they do n't have time to feel self critical erm I think perhaps if you can , you know , rather than , rather than trying to do it all at once I mean the business of , of going through successive drafts of things and gradually getting them better and better , I mean the first drafts of things that I write are , are usually just scribbles on the back of a piece of paper that 's , with something else on the front
9 And walk in and expect to see them all in order .
10 The Avignon 's captain , strolling down from the bridge in a crisp , freshly starched uniform , smiled on hearing their banter and approached to greet them both with a formal French handshake .
11 Just as he said , Farmer Plant 's teenage niece , Harriet , was delighted to have her to help in the stables , and promised to teach her all about the care and feeding of horses as well .
12 St John approved of my keenness to work , and promised to find me some paid employment .
13 The sawdust and bran mixture not only provided a soft base on which to rest the corpse but also acted as a sponge for exuded matter ; the side lining masked the bare wood ; the side-sheets assisted in the presentation of the corpse ; and the frill along the visible top edge formed a seal when the lid was screwed down and helped to keep it all airtight .
14 I scrape and save to support us both .
15 Behind him , Prentice looked at the ceiling and squirmed with pleasure as Mrs T put an armlock on me and began to walk us both down the corridor .
16 Set on its own rocky peninsula overlooking the sea , the hotel at Cala Mesquida is just far enough from the hustle and bustle to make it that little bit quieter and more relaxing .
17 The twins also began to see towards the end of the book that Piggy was very clever and started to show him some respect .
18 She had been to see Enter the Dragon and started to tell him all about the code of kung fu as he hurried her upstairs .
19 I like a picture to be fairly full as if it is too empty it can become boring to look at after a few months , but it is very easy to get carried away with all your lovely pressed flowers and try to fit them all into one picture — using too many flowers looks just as bad as not using enough .
20 And then later on , oh and then she was going to see room bookings and try to find me another dining hall cos I said it 's pretty late notice , and she said oh no , it 's a week and I thought well I had booked it two months ago .
21 Set your child 's teddies in a circle and pretend to give them all a spoonful , finishing with one for your son or daughter .
22 She 'd ignored the warning , and gone to see him that very afternoon , in the studio off the Edgware Road .
23 All the same , Connor suggested to him privately that it might not be a bad idea for him to learn something about the art of self-defence , and offered to give him some lessons .
24 It has been completely revised and updated to give you all the practical information and advice you need to help protect your family , your property and your community .
25 She 's somebody who comes to the door and tries to sell you some make-up and perfume and toys and things .
26 It makes us look impressive , which we are n't because we did n't know the half of it either and had to look it all up .
27 In battle they believe so strongly in the power of the Orc gods Gork and Mork to protect them that enemy arrows and swords blows really can be deflected by the Orcs ' aura of self-generated arcane power .
28 With a tireless Pat Palmer rushing from A to B organising everything and trying to keep it all running smoothly , the course proved a great success .
29 In the end a strange combination of working-class agitation and pressure from outside of the state system together with an increasingly confident upper-class establishment inside the system anticipating the pressures for change and trying to contain them both served to encourage the Conservatives to pass the Reform Act , 167 .
30 So it seems to me that you can not do analysis in a group because by definition the ego of a person in a group is , is detracted from , whereas in individual psychoanalysis and ideally the ego of the person is added to and enlarged to give them more competence by being made to face up to its repressions .
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