Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is no telling how many borrowers and banks are in the same bind , but it is familiar to householders , who have found that they can neither keep up with their mortgages or sell their houses on terms which would not bankrupt them .
2 Finally , the insurer will be concerned to see that the vendor has not waived or limited its rights of subrogation .
3 However , it has yet to take concrete steps to stop atrocities , or bring their perpetrators to justice .
4 If you have any questions on this insurance cover please ring Joan Daniels , or bring your queries to the discussion time at our next meeting in March .
5 A bad year was a disaster to the small peasant while it might well benefit the large farmers or merchants who could store grain for ten years , ‘ observing this rule so consistently that they would pawn their last jewels or load their lands with mortgages until years of high prices ’ .
6 They did not seem very interested in business , though they ran up big drinks bills for us and would occasionally ruffle our hair or squeeze our balls with an experienced touch , weighing us up , as it were .
7 Mrs Prynn left her to get on with her duties without any unusual comments ; Lady Roscarrock appeared to be her normal self , and the aunts and sisters dozed in their chairs or whispered their rosaries in much the normal way .
8 All through my teens it had to be a very rainy Sunday indeed that did not find us perched on the Cow and Calf a crop of murderous rocks resembling neither cows , calves nor any other animal , ' or out at Bolton Abbey , negotiating the stepping-stones across the wide but shallow Wharfe ; or eating our sandwiches on Haworth Moor as we looked down on the Brontes ' parsonage and re-enacted the highlights from Wuthering Heights in our romantic young heads .
9 You 're trying to focus attention on the presenter , the person giving the speech or answering the questions and it is a dreadful distraction to have beside and behind him or her numbers of men and women who invariably want to whisper , gesticulate , stare in the wrong direction , scratch their heads , pick their noses or make their exits at completely the wrong moment .
10 Sir Charles Trevelyan refused to withdraw or to curb his activities in any way and was consequently expelled from the Party .
11 Since the noises in the House of Commons in 1927 and 1928 , the bishops sanctioned or winked their eyes at various modifications which were sensible and did not mind that they were illegal .
12 They must be kicking themselves ( or drowning their sorrows in Diamond White ) .
13 This means that you can carry on kissing her all over , or using your fingers inside her vagina or anus ( but do cover cuts , sores , grazes or skin conditions such as eczema on your fingers and hands with plasters or latex gloves ) .
14 The witnesses must attest and sign the will in the testator 's presence , or acknowledge their signatures in his presence .
15 Or top your pies with meringue for a change .
16 The powers that be at the Tate tend to be more interested in ‘ the modern ’ than in the British tradition , so many fine or interesting British paintings are rarely if ever displayed , and to get through to those that are one has to wade one 's way through off-putting modernist rubbish , with the risk of tripping over artistic piles of bricks or tearing your clothes on sharp bits of dustbin sculpture .
17 Oh , they were my daily joy , Dirty Dick , Harry , Bert , Prickwillow , working on the green baize under the bench lights , the elastic band round the grey heads holding the jeweller 's eyeglass or checking their tolerances with the white-coated draughtsmen , or rouging the last tenth of a thou from a newly-turned and bored brass centimetric attenuator .
18 Have I in any respect misused the resources which Thou gavest me , or used my senses to no purpose , or my preconceptions ?
19 Amber is for ‘ caution ’ behaviour , which you do n't encourage but tolerate because your child is still learning and making mistakes : something like digging holes in the lawn with his spade or hurling her toys across the room in a moment of fury .
20 At no time was this " advantage " more glaring than when putting-out capitalists contracted or suspended their activities in rural manufacturing districts , throwing workers on to the parishes .
21 An application to the court for judicial review of the Minister 's decision was not the appropriate means by which the council should seek to ventilate or pursue its differences of opinion with the Minister .
22 Unable to resist the opportunity to gloat , or realise his fantasies in language , he paused :
23 Where the home environment seems to be unsupportive in as much as it is highly arousing , strategies to increase the social distance in key relationships , or to modify their ways of interacting , would be helpful .
24 Please do not rely on the fact that you have previously received information about ESPRIT CIME or entered your details on a previous database .
25 They feared that if they refused to marry or baptize their children in church , they would be ostracized in a particularly religiously minded part of Russia .
26 Others went off for extended periods as migrant ( dekasegi ) workers or severed their ties with the land altogether .
27 Unlike more primitive snakes such as pythons and boas , which constrict and suffocate their prey , these more ‘ advanced ’ species subdue or kill their victims by injecting them with venom .
28 Economically the wife is typically dependent ( or at least , could not sustain her lifestyle or support her children on her own earnings ) and her household labour is exploited .
29 The investigators suggested that the combination of communication deviance and critical , intrusive or guilt-inducing affect from parents meant that their adolescent child had ‘ little recourse through communication with them for exploring , clarifying , or correcting his feelings of unworthiness , rejection , or isolation ’ .
30 Deutsche Bank Research says it does not expect northern EC members to revalue or devalue their currencies before the introduction of the single European currency .
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