Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The second thing productive I do n't think it 's productive for people to interrupt start shouting at me and chairing at me or shout shout at the platform cos I think all that 's gon na happen there is the meetings gon na disintegrate and nothing will be as right .
2 In 1238 he ordered the Charter of the forest to be read out in full county court , and the concessions contained therein to be observed ; but he was careful to add the proviso that ‘ if any dispute or doubt arise regarding the articles of the Charter ’ the Chief Justice of the Forest was to ‘ seek the counsel of the King and his Court before anything be done in regard thereto ’ .
3 Er the things that she said were that women used more hedges , such as I think er hedges are sort of things that get put into the conversation if al allegedly if somebody wants to give the impression that they 're not quite sure , and they would n't w You know like I would n't want to say it for sure but I think that .
5 Often retching and vomiting occur with the headache and sometimes vertigo ; worse ( < ) morning , night , motion , stooping .
6 Nasty gases and smoke disperse into the ether ; sewage eventually floats out to sea .
7 If this is the case , then means and ends amount to the same thing since the same moral demands apply to both in the quest for Truth .
8 Perhaps WordStar will see fit to implement a drag and drop edit in the next release — please ? ! ?
9 Seapinks and samphire grow on the rocky cliffs .
10 Spraying , hoeing and thinning continue throughout the ripening months between August and October .
11 We enjoyed a lovely day in the sun and set sail on the return trip in time to be back in harbour before dark .
12 He glanced back at the house as if afraid that it might pull up an anchor and set sail across the lawn after them .
13 WELCOME TO Meridian — the birthplace of country music , and slap bang in the middle of the region that brought you jazz , the blues and rock'n'roll .
14 WELCOME TO Meridian — the birthplace of country music , and slap bang in the middle of the region that brought you jazz , the blues and rock'n'roll .
15 Add remaining ingredients , and stirring bring to the boil .
16 If there are any problems then we should be able to say to ourselves , well let's go and have look at the project quality plan , what 's that tell us ?
17 But these are n't just pretty pictures : Denyer also portrays the Broads as a living working community where farming , fishing , boat-building , reed-cutting and thatching thrive alongside the summer tourist trade .
18 Some approaches , including the conventional account of the industrial revolution , certain Marxist analyses and business-oriented researches , appear to emphasize productive forces as the prime mover , and are concerned with consumption only as the outcome of capitalist interests and the problem of ensuring that desire and demand correspond with the needs of industry .
19 And they were in this grotty council house now and they go back and they said and you saw them going back and saying look at the state of the garden .
20 Now you ca n't do that without going and asking think with the organisations such as housing associations , some factor information about where we would stand if we decide to go down that route .
21 Since the questions of apprenticeship and pay lie at the heart of the problem , we should first examine the surviving evidence to discover how long an apprenticeship women actually served , and how much they were paid , before going on to analyse the re-organization of the work process .
22 Paradox , ambiguity and doubt emerge as the themes of Oulton 's new work , from the shifting focus of the small ‘ Saturations ’ of red , to the listing horizons in the ‘ Abstract with memories ’ series .
23 Tennis , bowling and minigolf add to the daytime activities , and Schloss Fuschl houses a hunting and pipe museum .
24 They dug up an old catalogue reference to it : it seems to be that honest banking practice and churchgoing come to the same thing ungodly Marxism leads to phoney exchange rates . ’
25 You can return from the window icon to the normal window size by either clicking on the icon and selecting RESTORE from the menu which pops up , or by double clicking on the window icon .
26 one , and one was sitting on my fence , there , so I banged on the window and said get off the fence !
27 All you have to do to win one of our 15 packs of Amway household cleaning products , is enter our competition and help clean up the environment as well as the house !
28 Dust , sand and grit get into the sewers .
29 Indeed reference to embalming tables and embalming abound in the text and the assumption is made that families would initially come to a funeral director for this alternative to burial or cremation , without warning .
30 my Lord , I , my Lord I do recall about five years ago I , remember advising one of the future 's markets and see come to the life of me remember what was in them
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