Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Have you rubbed on petroleum jelly or applied any necessary plasters ?
2 A mind like hers had never been trained to encompass a vast concept or to accommodate any larger vision than what she could see with half-closed eyes .
3 The challenge is to produce a car which is more attractive to more people and costs less to make , and to minimise or eliminate any social embarrassment in running one .
4 ‘ ( 1 ) A person who uses threatening , abusive or insulting words or behaviour , or displays any written material which is threatening , abusive or insulting , is guilty of an offence if ( a ) he intends thereby to stir up racial hatred , or ( b ) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby . ’
5 However , the person who has relayed the information , the tipper , will fall foul of the provisions against counselling or procuring any other person to deal ( s.1(7) ) ( below ) .
6 The above mentioned insiders , that is , individuals connected with a company , individuals contemplating making a take-over , and tippee traders , are not only prevented from dealing in the relevant securities , but are also subject to two further constraints : first , counselling or procuring any other person to deal ; and secondly , communicating inside information to any other person .
7 Section 5(1) prohibits an insider from counselling or procuring any other person to deal in the securities in question , knowing , or with reasonable cause to believe , that that person would deal in those securities on any stock exchange outside Great Britain .
8 The new Army Commander , Gen. Vimol Wongwanich , promised to unify the Army and on Aug. 7 ordered commanders of all army units not to intervene in politics or do anything to help or hinder any political party .
9 This might have been a drawback of such accounts but for the fact that linguistic accounts understood in accord with the current consensus among analytic philosophers either are not possible or lack any philosophical interest .
10 Where the action is for unliquidated damages and the defendant delivers an admission of liability for the claim but disputes or does not admit the amount of the plaintiff 's dam ages , then : ( 1 ) if the defendant offers to pay in satisfaction of the claim a specific sum which the plaintiff accepts , the provisions of this rule shall apply as if the defendant had admitted part of the plaintiff 's claim ; and ( 2 ) in any other case , the plaintiff may apply to the court for such judgment as he may be entitled to upon the admission , and the court may give such judgment , including interlocutory judgment for damages to be assessed and costs , or make such other order on the application as it thinks just .
11 However , this does not mean that people do not act upon or make some such distinction , in everyday life and in other cultures .
12 If , when you do , the neighbours think you are being anti-social explain or say that you have a passion for climbing roses or clematis , or make some other excuse if you wish to be polite .
13 If he has satisfied this task of self-actualization , then he may need to create art , or invent , or make some new discovery of science .
14 Even if it 's true that I would have gone to prison to protect somebody else or make some dubious point about the freedom of the press , I know I 'd only have been doing it to make myself look good .
15 Or make some patronising remark about her cute rear end and how he would be delighted to give her a lift over ?
16 leak urine when you cough , sneeze or make some physical effort such as lifting or running ( stress incontinence ) ;
17 Where a summons or other originating process has been served on a defendant by post or insertion in his letter-box under Ord 7 , 4 10(1) ( b ) or 4(a) or r 13(1) ( b ) or ( 4 ) and after judgment has been given or entered it appears to the court that the process did not come to the knowledge of the defendant in time , the court may of its own motion set aside the judgment and may give any direction or make any such order as the court may think just .
18 The only light I use at night is a small torch which I can grip in my mouth while using both hands to bait up , sharpen or change hooks , or make any other adjustments to my tackle .
19 Several years after the sacking , it is difficult to assimilate conflicting evidence or make any real judgements .
20 Mr Steve Elsworth , Greenpeace air pollution campaigner , said : ‘ Britain 's contribution at the Dutch conference was to undermine efforts to set any date or make any real targets to deal with global warming .
21 It was one of those brilliantly simple ideas people always wish they had had themselves , and believe that somehow they could have had ; no need to incur any extra expense or make any more sizes than anybody else , or necessarily to distinguish one 's product in other way , yet just by the idea one has a potential market of half the jeans-buying public , or at least that proportion of it which has always felt that they are somehow perpetually between the usual sizes .
22 There was widespread media criticism of the government for capitulating to the drug traffickers , but Gaviria denied that he had entered into negotiations or made any prior deal with Escobar as part of a policy to defuse the costly and violent " drug war " gripping the country .
23 Although it was a great coup for the KGB , once the pair got to Moscow it is hard to see what they could have told the Russians that was not already known or made any great difference to East-West relations .
24 Or made some asinine observation or other .
25 Example 2:5 Declaration as to party structures It is hereby agreed that : ( 1 ) one half in thickness of every internal wall floor and ceiling separating the demised property from any adjoining property is included in this demise ( 2 ) each such structure is a party structure ( 3 ) the tenant shall maintain each of them as such and shall be liable to pay a fair proportion of the cost of repairing or maintaining any such structure which shall have been incurred by any adjoining occupier or tenant or by the landlord such proportion to be determined ( in default of agreement ) by an arbitrator appointed by the President for the time being of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
26 Very well done — you 've examined both books most carefully & made some excellent links between them .
27 Anticipating such conflicts , many may conclude that we do not need or want this genetic knowledge .
28 Like last year , it also seeks a disapplication of the pre-VXKVK rights on a rights issue so as to allow the Directors , when making a rights issue , to exclude or make such other arrangements as may be appropriate to resolve legal or practical problems which might for example arise with overseas shareholders .
29 ‘ So far as I know , ’ Miss Honey went on , ‘ nobody else in the history of the world has been able to compel an object to move without touching it or blowing on it or using any outside help at all . ’
30 Section 12 of the Administration of Justice Act , 1982 , provides for an application by a pursuer for provisional damages in circumstances where : — ‘ There is proved or admitted to be a risk that at some definite or indefinite time in the future , the injured person will , as a result of the act or omission which gave rise to the cause of the action , develop some serious disease or suffer some serious deterioration in his physical or mental condition ’ .
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