Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [vb pp] [pers pn] into " in BNC.

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1 They have whetted a lust for sensationalism that has turned us into a nation of accident watchers .
2 In March 1991 , more people there voted to recall him as their deputy than had voted him into office in the election a year before .
3 His caresses had urged her to a wild , uninhibited passion she 'd never known she possessed — but it was the love she felt for him that had sent her into such a breathtaking completion .
4 It had been a glimpse of Gentle , not so unlike the one she 'd just had , that had propelled her into her near-suicidal affair with him .
5 Felix Jaeger cursed the dark destiny that had dragged him into these terrible events .
6 Rage at her , at himself for wanting her , at a war that had turned her into his enemy .
7 Mary was certain that it was the same estate-car that had swept her into the ditch .
8 There had been anger as well at the cruel jest of fate that had brought her into love with her own brother .
9 ‘ Survival of the — ’ Jamie drew his breath in sharply and pulled the stick so hard he almost fell off his stool , but he managed to dodge the darting yellow bolts that had driven him into the corner of the screen' — nastiest . ’
10 From the other end of the telephone , on another continent , in another world where people slept soundly in their beds and knew nothing of battle , the familiar voice that had ordered me into so many hells was sending me back , this time to the lowest rung .
11 He took her hand , linking his long , hard fingers between hers , joining them in a physical as well as a mental bond , and suddenly Fran knew that she wanted to tell him the one thing that had fashioned her into the woman she was .
12 What magic did these brothers possess that had catapulted them into the rarefied atmosphere of the multi-billionaires .
13 He reminded her that it was kindness , as she well knew , that had got him into his present pickle .
14 Part of her , that stubborn , spirited side , the side that had got her into this mess in the first place , would n't let her give up , back out and admit that Luke Denner and his sexuality were more than she could handle .
15 Surely by that time many of you must have realised that had got you into a right pickle over L M S and that you some of you I believe felt that but none of you spoke out about it .
16 Even , even though they may be er , the they may work as a result of different o of the same enzyme activity in some cases the target for that enzyme activity and the receptors that have put it into the specific cells that are targeted lead to really very different biological effects .
17 The University of Ulster welcomes the ‘ AS ’ proposals as a means of broadening ‘ A ’ level studies and has incorporated them into its General Entry Requirements for admission to degree and DipHE courses .
18 Comedian and writer Ben Miller has the answers , and has incorporated them into a tribute performance , Gone With Noakes ( playing at Covent Garden 's Donmar Warehouse on Dec 4–5 ) .
19 An hour or so ago , she had seen a stone of the right size and shape lying on the edge of a garden , and had put it into her pocket .
20 Cone shells also have a stalked radula but have modified it into a kind of gun .
21 Mr and Mrs Robinson , who own the house but have divided it into single bed-sits for Social Security tenants , told police that at first they thought their son had been a victim of cot death syndrome , but a post mortem examination revealed the murder and assault .
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