Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [to-vb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Farmers , the country 's biggest water consumers , will be obliged to water crops at dusk or dawn only to reduce evaporation .
2 The last I heard you were still in Gloucester with the Empress Matilda , so , whether fitzAlan loves you also or has yet to lose interest in your pretty face and form , he will come for you .
3 Paragraph 610 of the Bar code provides , first : ’ Counsel must not make statements or ask questions which are merely scandalous or intended or calculated only to vilify insult or annoy either a witness or some other person ; counsel must if possible avoid the naming in open Court of third parties whose characters would thereby be impugned ; counsel must not suggest that a witness or other person is guilty of crime , fraud or misconduct or attribute to another person the crime or conduct of which his lay client is accused ’
4 Megaliths were smashed to make gate-posts or road-stone , blown up or pushed aside to clear space for the plough .
5 Locke asks how the ‘ solid parts of body … [ keep ] united , or cohere together to make extension ’ .
6 Once myth was destroyed , the metaphysical drive survived at best in attenuated form in the Socratic search for knowledge ; and at worst in a religious syncretism that led only to complete triviality or exotic superstition .
7 ‘ I think it is fair to say ’ , mused Abrams , that everyone involved in the RIG ( the Restricted Inter-agency Group that met regularly to discuss policy in Latin America ) knew that Ollie was somehow connected with this but did n't know why …
8 The diversity of organizations and associations that joined together to form Gold EIA shows how widespread concern had become ( see table 3.2 ) .
9 Where his friend Charles Williams had achieved only phantasmal fictions that struggled implausibly to marry realism and the supernatural , Lewis turned that improbable formula into stories that compel attention .
10 Cells were plated out at a maximum initial density of 510 cells per dish and incubated overnight to allow separation of adherent cells ( fibroblasts and macrophages ) from inflammatory cells .
11 Entrenched positions may be established easily between the two with the result that claims are prepared and argued merely to prevent loss of face when in reality the matter could and should have been settled by discussion on site when the problems arose .
12 It is joined here by Kingsdale Beck which now gets an infusion of energy and turns away to earn acclaim as a principal contributor to the charm of the walk around the Ingleton waterfalls .
13 I shall be off-duty on Thursday and intend then to seek audience with Her Grace at the sanctuary .
14 Rymer , of Willowcroft , Wallasey was formally accused of attempting to administer noxious substances Atenolol , Temazepam , Bendrofluazude and Bopromoxol thereby to endanger life or inflict grievous bodily harm .
15 Rymer , of Willowcroft , Wallasey , was formally accused of attempting to cause to be administered noxious substances Atenolol , Temazepam , Bendrofluazide and Coproxamol thereby to endanger life or inflict grievous bodily harm to a boy on Wednesday June 9 .
16 The new design , which Sun finished the week of November 16th , still has to be taped out and has yet to reach silicon .
17 Son of a head of ideology on the Communist party 's Central Committee , Legasov became a chemist and rose rapidly to become deputy head of the Kurchatov Institute of nuclear science — and a friend of the powerful .
18 In the uplands of the UK , broadleaved woods are fragmented ( due largely to past clearance for agriculture ) and confined largely to steep valley slopes , to boulder strewn and rocky ground , and to gorges .
19 Large mammals also select their environments carefully , and bunch together to reduce surface heat losses .
20 It was under the old law if done in pursuance of the ulterior intent , not if done simply to gain access .
21 Japan 's post-1868 rulers utilized this nationalistic focus and claimed throughout to exercise power in the name of the emperor .
22 Now suppose that the government of this country believes that curve A represents a permanent trade-off between unemployment and inflation and chooses therefore to reduce unemployment to U* by increasing the rate of growth of the nominal money supply .
23 They set off , passed under St John 's Gate and turned right to join traffic heading northwards .
24 Three times in all her grandfather prostrated himself on the altar mat , then he rose slowly and stepped aside to make way for his son .
25 These may take the form of problems which even if proved empirically to influence resource needs do so in such particular , local , and sometimes subtle ways that statistical models are unlikely to be sensitive enough to be helpful .
26 It is usually protected from damage by being run inside a drain pipe , and rises slightly to avoid air bubbles .
27 Above the river , the seagulls kept on the wing as long as they could , hoping the turbulence would bring them a good find , then , defeated and battered , they heeled and screamed away to find refuge .
28 This army arrived too late , and stopping only to destroy part of the Chaos Army 's rearguard , quickly turned back south in pursuit of the main Chaos force .
29 She turned away , frustrated , and went downstairs to make lunch .
30 There was a moment 's hesitation before Dieter said , ‘ Okay , ’ and went indoors to fetch pen and paper .
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