Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 It was partly the proximity to the fens , for though they 'd long since been drained and farmed , all the fields were bound by ditches and dykes and he felt as if the land was oozing bog water , or sinking imperceptibly into some primeval slime .
2 Hobbes defines ‘ place ’ as the ‘ space which is possessed or filled adequately by some body ’ , and ‘ motion ’ as ‘ the privation of one place , and the acquisition of another ’ .
3 When pressed for reasons , they would draw on such ‘ obvious ’ facts as blacks are physically equipped or conditioned better for some sports , or reference was made to the explain-ail theory of ‘ natural ability ’ .
4 After three or four pages , he found himself wandering the streets or pacing anxiously through some park he did n't even recognize , twitching and murmuring strangely to himself while mothers , at the sight of him , drew their children to them and stole softly away across the grass .
5 In the summer it had , of course , its share of visitors , but during the winter months , when half the cafés and shops were closed , most of the people one met were in bath chairs , or leaning heavily on some supporting arm .
6 One can think of these fluctuations as pairs of particles of light or gravity that appear together at some time , move apart , and then come together again and annihilate each other .
7 This effectively gives a much smaller ‘ weight ’ to reference resolution than to other parts of the system ; two interpretations that differ only in the referents they assign to anaphors will be much closer together in the sequence of structures presented to the plausibility checker than two interpretations that differ only in some other respect , such as an alternation of word senses .
8 A limitation of her analysis , deriving from its emphasis on aesthetics , and found also in some of the recent discussions of media and advertising , is a tendency to exaggerate the unique properties of the individual object , as against the type-token nature of words which almost always refer back to some generic category .
9 Like The Krays , it deals in mythical allegories rather than historical realism , and swerves unevenly between some nicely controlled dark comedy and unintentionally funny ‘ poetic ’ dialogue .
10 Thunder and lightning cracked and roared outside like some electric avalanche — and following immediately upon it came the enraged roaring of Something from Hell .
11 For I am surprised and enchanted often by some quality which I can not detect .
12 Gaston closed his eyes , as if wincing away from some unbearable memory .
13 In this time you will be reduced as far as possible to walking cannon fodder and rushed away to some hell hole .
14 A bit intoxicated , he thought , as she leaned away from him , pulling the dress up on her fat shoulders , and began again on some exploit of an uncle ( to him an ancestor ) already recounted during the fish course .
15 They were expert at vanishing silently and reappearing suddenly in some unexpected place ; and in case of need the Lord Owen 's main stronghold of Glyndyfrdwy was no great distance away , mound and manor guarded by a curve of the Dee , down there to the south in the close confine of the valley .
16 The humble cottages are presided over by the tower of the venerable church of St Andrew , founded in the twelfth century but rebuilt and restored since with some sacrifice of its earlier features .
17 I stayed in Brazil and worked hard for some years .
18 Thirty years on , English is a large and entrenched subject , and there is no likelihood of putting the clock back , and starting again in some other way : my proposal for a division between Cultural Studies and a degree in poetry is a pragmatic proposal for a way out of current difficulties .
19 He shook hands and chatted briefly with some of the several dozen supporters gathered outside in the cold , but refused to comment on the national picture .
20 Cross-references to this appendix are given by italic numbers , ( eg 16 ) From Joseph Conrad , The Secret Sharer On my right hand there were lines of fishing-stakes resembling a mysterious system of half-submerged bamboo fences , incomprehensible in its division of the domain of tropical fishes , and crazy of aspect as if abandoned forever by some nomad tribe of fishermen now gone to the other end of the ocean ; for there was no sign of human habitation as far as the eye could reach ( 1 ) .
21 Fortified by the lull , Iraq 's President Saddam Hussein is consolidating his control at home and dabbling cautiously in some new adventures abroad .
22 It might also cause the price of oil to soar above $50 a barrel and stay there for some months .
23 Similarly , extensive pastures can be at some distance , since animals can be walked there and kept there for some time by herdsmen .
24 and turn left down some worn steps into night
25 And it 's all written down and stored away in some bank vault in the city . ’
26 She 's relaxed and responding well to some half-completed treatment , unconcerned about her hair loss .
27 In so far as any rules had been devised in the past , the principle seems to have been to give power to someone close to the throne , and invested therefore with some of the aura of royalty .
28 As often as possible , they should invite Fido to play and play nicely for some time so Fido enjoys himself .
29 The crowd is told to go back home , and does so with some relief .
30 To move to a rural area and to move away in some measure from traditional routine assembly techniques was seen as a partial answer to these problems .
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