Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pers pn] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 The door stayed jammed shut , and he did n't shout back or answer her in any way .
2 What this argument suggests in Gandhi 's case is that he does not abandon his commitment to the principle of non-violence or qualify it in any way when he approves the destruction of life .
3 The minister told a questioner later : ‘ To somehow suggest that this incident of 1,000MBq released into the atmosphere is somehow responsible for massive contamination of the food chain … it clearly is nonsense to suggest that or to compare it in any way with Chernobyl . ’
4 Nevertheless the British government refused to assign its Polaris submarines permanently and unambiguously to Nato , or to include them in any of the current multinational or multilateral ( MLF ) schemes being floated by the Americans .
5 I must ask you to stop this quarrelling instantly , or to continue it in another place . "
6 It must relate directly to the facts in issue in a case or be relevant to those facts in that it tends to prove or disprove them in some way .
7 If you need to teach people or compel them in some other way to repress their natural demand for acknowledgement as rational , competent , authoritative human beings then you have no answer to the charge of some malefaction between bad faith and dreadful wickedness .
8 As well as good documentation and ‘ driving ’ information for the user , as described on page 35 , it is also very important to document the computer program as a further aid to those who wish to understand how the program works or modify it in some way .
9 ( iii ) Where the notepaper of an English or Welsh office of the practice includes neither a designation of the practice ( see paragraph 6(b) above ) nor a list of the partners or directors , the statement required by sub-paragraph ( b ) ( i ) ( B ) above must also state that the partners or directors are ( as the case may be ) solicitors and registered foreign lawyers , or describe them in such other terms which , as applied to those partners or directors , would be permitted by paragraph 6(b) ( i ) or ( ii ) above .
10 Something within him seemed to collapse but he did n't outwardly fall to pieces or rant or rave or even again try to pull out the arrow or finish me in any other way .
11 It would be impractical to attempt to review or catalogue them in this study and , although we will mention some specific products , we will confine this section mainly to illustrating general authoring issues .
12 Or to put it in another way , for Gandhi the stone partakes of the nature of that which it represents .
13 Or to put it in another way Truth is God .
14 Hardy suggests two types of strategy which may be used to turn conflict into competition or argument , or to manage it in some other acceptable way .
15 If we do something pleasant to a horse , like worming it , or giving injection , or something else , we are likely to care and stroke it afterwards , or to reward it in some other way , such as with food .
16 She did n't want to think about Timothy Gedge , to dwell on him or to consider him in any way whatsoever .
17 They move around the tank , scattering the smaller fish in all directions , although they do n't attack or harm them in any way .
18 This was partly because each brand of typesetting machine tended to have a different way of preparing the bit-map , but it also had to do with the very nature of the technique : rotating the letters , making them larger or smaller , or altering them in any way involved a new bit-map .
19 The Conclusions are circulated very promptly after Cabinet , and up to that time , no minister , certainly not the prime minister , asks to see them or conditions them in any way . ’
20 He wanted to grasp the newness , or to measure it in some way , hardly daring to hope that it was good .
21 Attendance , indeed , would not have cost Britain anything or compromised it in any way , since unlike the meeting called to consider the ECSC , participants at Messina were not required to accept the principle of supranationalism in advance .
22 So you do n't think you 're going to have any problems in your career by having sort of the men getting the juicier jobs or dominating you in any sense ?
23 I E or formalize it in some way .
24 No self-respecting working educational body , much as it may desire to retain close and friendly relations with the Board ( of Education ) , Universities , etc. , can go on being hampered in its work by the increasing number of organisations concerned either telling it what to do , what it should not do , or advising it in both these directions … there is a grave danger of our movement ultimately being strangled by our friends .
25 If you can summon Victor , as Prospero summoned his unhappy servants , or help me in any other way , then I 'll be grateful .
26 If Gilbert thought it was part of her duty to track down Amy or help her in any way , then she would do so .
27 I 've seen the man 's face actually resting on the foot of the horse ; but never at any time the horse stand on him , tramp on him or damage him in any way .
28 ‘ It did n't distress or alarm me in any way , certainly not as much as many other things that I have seen that have earned certificates ’ .
29 Equally , it is also important for parents to apologise to their children when they have wronged or harmed them in some way .
30 Ask yourself the question , ‘ Is it my desire , my greed , my wish to be in control that drives me in this matter , or do I feel the lightness of purpose that is a mark of the guidance from within ? ’
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