Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He may well run a car repair business or sell cheap jewellery on the side , in which case his dealing will lack single-mindedness .
2 Whenever you want to show a trend , analyse large amounts of data or highlight statistical information in a report , then graphs and charts are the ideal means of presentation .
3 The need to maintain or enhance public enjoyment of lochs , rivers and reservoirs .
4 By suggesting that the ‘ fun-loving ’ woman lodger shunned or avoided sexual intercourse with the landlord begins to suggest that the ‘ normal ’ occurrence is for women lodgers in such situations to allow sexual intercourse to take place .
5 Although BL did attempt to operate a modified and simplified system of group working at the Metro plant , they did not , despite the visit to Trollhatten , either use the line-out system or make extensive use of carousels .
6 The other emerging trend is to provide PC-based systems which can either contribute to or make actual use of the documents produced on the main system .
7 Peculiar symptoms , also called ‘ Strange , Rare and Peculiar symptoms ’ , fall outside this method of evaluation because they may be very debilitating or make little difference to the patient 's ability to function .
8 Those who disrupt proceedings or undermine public confidence in the administration of justice by scandalising the judiciary are also liable to be dealt with for contempt of court .
9 A response to the gender inflection or masculinism of philosophical theories should involve , I think , neither merely the assertion that women too should be seen as included under or capable of whatever norms are suggested by the theory , nor merely the assertion that what is seen as feminine should be valued too , or given equal status with what is male .
10 He could remember a period of engagement with art — with Greek statuary and the young gods of Renaissance paintings , those bodies officially sanctified on the page or given sexual neutrality as museum displays .
11 Accordingly , obedience to the demands of ‘ profit maximisation within the law ’ prevents the full range and texture of third party interests from being taken into account or given sufficient weight in corporate decision making .
12 Whilst social provision allows retired people to exist , there is little scope for them to grow or make full use of their later years .
13 Beneath violent disorder comes the crime of affray ( section 3 ) , now defined in terms of threatening or using unlawful violence towards another , and carrying a maximum of three years ' imprisonment .
14 So , for example , we see the pupils messing around , ‘ to get back at the teachers for telling them off and putting them in detention , ’ or using physical violence after being unjustly accused of a misdemeanour , or being given a ‘ soft ’ teacher .
15 Or mow brown Stubble in the early Morn
16 Can he tell the House a little more about any plans that he and the Government may have to recruit or to find peaceful employment for some of the rocket scientists and nuclear experts of Russia and , perhaps , even of the Ukraine ?
17 Memos are often used to put forward a view or to provide new thinking on a subject .
18 Any attempt , in the period between the two World Wars , to raise the school-leaving age or to provide secondary education on a more generous scale was for these reasons bound to encounter sustained political opposition .
19 Other bears will also use tools in captivity ; spectacled bears use leafy branches , provided for them to eat , to knock fruit off overhanging branches or to retrieve floating bread from water .
20 There are also many cases in which the break was mainly functional , within the general practice , to give emphasis to , or to redress academic neglect of , engravers , watercolourists and so on .
21 Other classes of this kind , sometimes called ‘ street academies ’ , exist in the townships and cater to youngsters who have dropped out of school or want extra tuition outside school .
22 The Opposition have made absolutely no commitment to provide free phones or to increase public expenditure on telecommunications infrastructure in any way .
23 After 1337 no decade passed without laymen leasing , or acquiring full ownership of alien priory lands , an experience which undoubtedly whetted the public appetite for appropriating church lands , while it simultaneously provided a precedent for such forcible recovery .
24 ‘ Subversive activities are generally regarded as those which threaten the safety or well-being of the State and which are intended to undermine or overthrow Parliamentary democracy by political , industrial or violent means ’ .
25 Subversive activities are those which threaten the safety or well being of the State , and which are intended to undermine or overthrow Parliamentary democracy by political , industrial or violent means .
26 In Britain ‘ subversive activities ’ are defined as ‘ those which threaten the safety or well being of the State , and which are intended to undermine or overthrow Parliamentary democracy by political , industrial or violent means ’ ( Home Office , 1984 ) .
27 Upon delivery of the original bill to SeaDocs , the shipper was to receive a code or test key equivalent to the personal identification numbers ( PIN ) provided by banks for use with automated teller machines .
28 They could cut the face value of their loans by 35% , but get the old interest rate on what was left ; keep the original face value , but cut the interest rate to 6.25% ; or swap old debt for new debt at the old rates and face value , but with a promise to lend up to 25% more money , and without any of the security ( in the form of zero-coupon bonds held by America 's Federal Reserve ) that the two more generous options offered .
29 The so-called " multinational force " , mobilized following the lead of the USA , had been widened by the end of August to include not only troops from certain Arab countries [ see above ] , but also some actual or promised military participation from the UK , France , several other West European countries , Canada , Australia , Pakistan and Bangladesh [ see below ] .
30 For example , if a carer has a sudden illness and has to go into hospital , the Emergency Intervention Service can support someone in their own home or provide alternative accommodation in the community .
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