Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus hearing a word , or producing it in response to an incomplete definition , will not prime visual word recognition .
2 However , when you come to knit the design , or load it from memory ready to knit , then it does matter , as we shall see later .
3 The terms respondents used to describe the advantages of early retirement , or to rationalize it in retrospect , often showed concern for the position of young people in the labour market , although this was rarely cited as a reason for taking early retirement .
4 If the visitor has such jurisdiction , the court has no power to ignore it or review it by way of mandamus or in any other way .
5 Maybe the murderer knew nothing about the ransom , and had followed Newley or met him by chance at the gazebo .
6 Ivory tower allergists discount reactions to food unless an IgE mechanism has been proved , but denying them or attributing them to hypochondriasis is a sign not of scientific superiority but of a head in the sand mentality .
7 This is how they are currently treated when we use them as research tools or slaughter them for consumption at our tables .
8 comments you could consider entering it or part of it in one of the many fiction competitions or submitting it in total to a which takes fiction .
9 Having failed to break us politically or silence us through censorship , the role of the death squads is to kill us . ’
10 Some exercises they perform sitting on chairs or using them for support , but floor exercises have been out of the question .
11 So , against Clark , it must be argued that it is misleading to claim that because animals , imbeciles , and normal infants are all weak , defenceless , and at our mercy , to treat any of them in the same way ( say by killing them for food or using them in research ) is ‘ in moral terms , the very same act ’ ( Clark 1978 : 149 ) .
12 Traps should wither kill them instantly or confine them for release elsewhere .
13 Distributors can sell an X server with integrated Display PostScript software as a stand-alone product , or bundle it with Adobe 's TranScript software for PostScript language printing in Unix environments , an Adobe Software Development Kit , or additional fonts .
14 We are prepared to clobber the ganger working on the Keighley and Worth Valley railway or his notional supervisor , or send him to prison .
15 On ( or soon after ) Oswine 's death Oswiu 's nephew Oethelwald , son of Oswald , secured the kingship in Deira ( HE 111 , 23 ) ( see Appendix , Figs 6.2 and 7.1 ) , though whether appointed to this position by Oswiu or acquiring it in opposition to his uncle is unknown .
16 Or grow them in hyacinth glasses .
17 She could hear Betty reigning below in the kitchen , shuffling plates and boiling water , and doubtless adding some original touches to the toast : slicing it laterally perhaps , or dusting it with cinnamon .
18 Someone who has received an object in exchange is like a buyer ; and so is someone who has received it in payment or retained it after settlement of a law suit or obtained it on the basis of a promise otherwise than as a gift .
19 His green eyes pools of limpid clarity and wholly deceptive depth , but his swift grin wicked , Michele replied provocatively , ‘ I ca n't make love to a housekeeper or beat her into submission the way I could a wife , and , as I prefer my domestic arrangements to run without a hitch , I have to tread circumspectly . ’
20 Companies raising private finance to build a toll road would probably need to offer at least 9–10% , given that many investors want compensation against the risk that a future government might expropriate the project or regulate it into unprofitability .
21 Prisoners may be left locked in their cells for longer , because there is not the staff to supervise out-of-cell activities or to escort them from place to place .
22 Goods are in consumer use when a person is using them , or has them for use , other than exclusively for business purposes .
23 The next stage is to implement it or put it into action .
24 Should a higher form of awareness decide to tip the balance here or there ( perhaps by embryo implantation ) or put it on ice ( as in frozen embryos ) so that knowledge can be gained which will enable future embryos to prosper healthily , then it will not be acting contrary to what Nature itself does by trial and error and evolution .
25 When I wake up I just pull it back or put it on top of my head in a top knot .
26 Usually they put debit after it or something , or put it in red .
27 you lose it or put it beneath glass ,
28 Wallpaper them or cover them with fabric : felt , hessian , sacking , lining fabric or printed cotton .
29 There must be enough of the right food , the temperature and habitat must be right , there must not be too many other animals that would parasitize it , or kill it for food .
30 No they could keep in power or remove him in turn as the say fit .
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