Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] [pos pn] long " in BNC.

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1 Some lots were damaged or dulled by their long immersion , but this only seemed to stimulate buyers .
2 He put the papers down when he had finished them and looked at her long and steadily .
3 She reached for his hand , clutched it and dug in her long nails .
4 " Fools attract elil by being easy prey , " said Bigwig , cleaning the mud out of his whiskers and blowing through his long front teeth .
5 Conservative back-benchers like Richard Shepherd and Jonathan Aitken have voiced their concern at many of the Government 's anti-libertarian actions ; and Enoch Powell has written of ‘ this atmosphere of near-hysteria in which , with general applause , Parliament gets to trample upon the rights and freedoms which it has nurtured and protected through its long history ’ .
6 Turku Cathedral survives , though greatly restored and rebuilt , having been damaged and battered in its long history .
7 For years before his death rumours had spread all over the Dales that put his rude good health and longevity to dealings with the Devil and pointed to his long canine teeth as evidence of vampirism .
8 He scowled at her , as ever , but looked at her longer from under his shaggy white brows and one day soon after Christmas was moved again to comment how unlike his wife she was , the highest of compliments .
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