Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] [art] world " in BNC.

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1 But Llewellyn denied his players had grabbed testicles or spat at the world champions .
2 Studies of cognition which seek to elucidate the nature or that cultural order which we might impose upon or recognize in the world may well be concerned with the classification of objects , but they generally fail to acknowledge , let alone address , the difference between artefacts such as cutlery which already incorporate categorization in their manufac-turer , and objects such as trees which do not ( e.g. Rosch 1978 : 30–5 ) .
3 And , while fighting shy of political commitment , Bourdieu , like many , remains committed to the belief that the point is still not just to interpret , analyse or agonize about the world , but to change it .
4 There is no absolute way of describing or engaging with the world ; only an infinite number of ways of doing so .
5 No , no eventually , protectionism will , will lead to a cessation of production in the most efficient er regions of the world which by and large , are the , are the regions that sell onto the world market .
6 My my Bible says Do not love the world or anything that belongs to the world ,
7 As a suggestion that change in the world occurs rather in the way that certain competitions present dominoes falling into kaleidoscopic patterns , requiring some initial push in order to begin the process , this ‘ proof ’ is hardly convincing .
8 With its creation and destruction of individuals , it offers us a presentiment of the primordial unity that lies behind the world of phenomena .
9 ‘ I 've only been given a year 's contract , so the main priority will be to win all the matches , using essentially the same side that played in the World Cup .
10 His journals , which he has published at regular intervals ( the fourteenth volume appeared recently in France ) bear witness to the enormous interest he takes in everything that happens in the world outside him , and to a human being scornful of bourgeois conformity , almost an anarchist , and a convinced pacifist .
11 That was the true Light , which lighteth every man that cometh into the world .
12 Standards for exposure to benzene are expected by the UK government to be set in 1993 : a level of 3 ppb is under consideration , although according to the World Health Organization there is " no known safe threshold dose " .
13 For example , expressed guilt may be so deep as to become delusional , generalised to the point where the individual believes that he or she is personally responsible for some major catastrophe or for all of the evil that exists in the world .
14 And how they choose to spend it can affect things that happen in the world .
15 The path that leads to the world 's highest mountain is full of adventures … full of famous stories … but there 's been nothing so grand and gallant as the expedition being planned by Macintyre of Milton Keynes … who cater and care for the mentally disabled …
16 Or rosemary that shakes in the world 's breeze .
17 John was unlike anyone Anne knew with his views on everything that happened in the world .
18 They 're one of the reasons I now make everyone come to me , rather than traipsing round the world . ’
19 Both show life in a mining town with some degree of realism and Reed 's picture , about a community in which the miners are browbeaten into working a coal seam which the proprietor knows to be dangerous , links itself to the documentarist sensibility with an opening voiceover referring to those ‘ simple working people who take heroism for granted as part of their daily lives ’ , and a concluding epilogue that calls for the world to be ‘ purged of its old greeds . ’
20 Although introduced during the World Cup , it was not such a revolutionary advance as had been claimed .
21 The third will that contended for the world was the human will itself .
22 Was Sony that gave to the world transistor radios …
23 Among the developing countries that participated in the World Fertility Survey ( WFS ) , the median age at which women aged 25 to 29 years at the time of interview first married or entered a union ( i.e. , the age at which one half of them entered into conjugal union ) ranged from 13.1 years in Bangladesh to 23.0 in Sri Lanka .
24 It is a power that seeps out of the earth itself , a distillation of the magical energy that flows over the world and settles into the soil and rocks from where it is driven by the harsh cold of winter .
25 ‘ We are three-quarters of a mile in the depths of the earth , and the great river shrinks into insignificance as it dashes its angry waves against the walls and cliffs that rise to the world above ; the waves are but puny ripples , and we but pygmies , running up and down the sands or lost among the boulders .
26 Although described by the World Challenge brochure as an area rarely visited by Europeans , it turned out to be popular enough with tourists for each village to have its own visitors ' book !
27 The 800 species of hermit crab that occur in the world 's oceans are distinguished from all other crabs by living inside the unoccupied shells of marine snails .
28 Another speaker , Michael Traber , WACC 's Director of Studies and Publications , said : ‘ It is the task of the mass media and theology to read the signs of the times and to interpret the changes that occur in the world in order to make sense of them . ’
29 The movement 's critique proclaimed a uniqueness and originality for its discoveries to which it was never entitled and which served only to reinforce the self-deluding image of its own power and influence in the world .
30 The main threat to our position and influence in the world is now political and economic rather than military ; and our policies should be adapted to meet the changed situation .
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