Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The usual reply to the requisition incorporating practical enquiries is : Confirmed , except as they may have been varied or added to by subsequent correspondence between us .
2 The orderly American " dating " we saw in films or heard about in pop songs never happened in my adolescence .
3 They are actually being watched or listened to by small groups of people .
4 At such close quarters , mistakes would have been more than evident but to the merit of all those involved , these were at a minimum and more than compensated for by sheer enthusiasm .
5 In more remote rural areas , such as northern England , parts of the Grampians , west Wales , and Northern Ireland , net migration loss was more than compensated for by high fertility ( type 4 ) .
6 Whatever such a literature might lack in technical sophistication will , it is alleged , be more than compensated for by ideological exuberance .
7 How readers make sense of texts is dependent on their understanding of how texts are circulated and commented on in different settings .
8 After all , the concept of mass working-class adult education organised and taught from within existing institutions and existing budgets , is inherently unrealistic .
9 Silence ! the resolutions before you and the second , the working party and to consider and coordinate from to endless .
10 Not particularly these circumstances in an objective sense , but the way in which they are perceived and oriented to by black people .
11 Trying to get in the ground the right way , I was stopped by a riot policeman 's shield and shouted at in Dutch : only the fact that I could reply in Dutch saved a potentially ugly misunderstanding .
12 Variations between local areas ' needs can be measured and compensated for in national grants .
13 We do n't see ourselves as special people and we do n't see ourselves as having specific financial credentials , although some members of our group , not myself , may have those , but we try by listening to the people who 've elected us and listening to in general comments that are made from outside the council , which is a terribly closed body .
14 He saw Sir John set his mouth and glare from beneath bushy grey eyebrows .
15 Like a lot of people are really nomadic and living outside of cultural definition …
16 Never misuse tools : nuts , for example , are meant to be undone and done up with proper spanners .
17 These were then filed and added to with frequent reports , letters , and documents .
18 Kidwelly was established within a short time of the Norman Conquest , and added to by various baronial families during the reign of King Edward I and later .
19 They deposit scent from the tip of their abdomen along the route from the food to the nest , and this trail is followed and added to by other ants as they return with food .
20 Here , the railway developed its headquarters when there was little money to spare and the buildings inherited in 1960 have been adapted and added to in piecemeal fashion .
21 Based on research carried out on paraprofessional social service personnel in fourteen developed and developing countries — Australia , Britain , Canada , Denmark , India , Indonesia , Israel , Japan , The Philippines , South Africa , Spain , Uganda , the US , and West Germany — over the last seven years , this paper presents some findings that , if acted upon by social service organizations , social work education programmes , and paraprofessional training programmes , could strengthen the contribution of both professionals and paraprofessionals to social service and social development goals .
22 The baby who is picked up or fed whenever he cries soon becomes a veritable tyrant , and gives his mother no peace when awake ; while , on the other hand , the infant who is fed regularly , put to sleep , and played with at definite times soon finds that appeals bring no response , and so learns that most useful of all lessons , self-control , and the recognition of an authority other than his own wishes .
23 And wherever you read of this experience happening , again , and again , you read of the folk there receiving the Holy Spirit , and speaking in in other tongues .
24 As deadpan as in its more accustomed role of relaying verbatim endless speeches by Mikhail Gorbachev , the official Soviet news agency reported yesterday on a town terrorised by ‘ at least three ’ visitations from outer space — and vouched for by eminent local scientists , no less .
25 Most clubs , you have to go through a long rigmarole of being proposed and seconded and vouched for by other members and having your background scrutinised , and weeks and months go by before you 're elected .
26 After a hasty meal we assembled all hands , distributed torches and rummage equipment and set to with forced enthusiasm , as we knew from experience that often these hot suspect ships had been hammered unmercifully by a succession of rummage crews at every arrival , besides which we were not feeling at our best .
27 * As far as possible , the impact of a new appointment should be assessed and provided for in financial terms , thus enabling , where necessary , additional staff to be appointed .
28 The only valid context for physical sex is marriage , by which is meant a permanent relationship , publicly acknowledged and entered into with mutual promises .
29 Keegan was cheered and chanted for by United 's 3,000 fans throughout the match — a Geordie version of ‘ We love you , yeah , yeah , yeah !
30 Employee detail records are updated and enquired upon in real time via a single Visual Display Unit in the Personnel Office .
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