Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At last the boy counted out sixpences and pennies onto the counter and picked up his final selection , an elephant mask with moulded plastic tusks of extreme sharpness and a foam-rubber trunk you could raise or lower by pulling a string .
2 There has been a lot of debate in political circles as to whether on-the-road campaigning should tackle political issues or concentrate on displaying the personality of the candidates .
3 Single genes ( the units of heredity ) can now be transferred , added or deleted by manipulating the genetic material .
4 Now John was not afraid to tell somebody as great as John that he was wrong and I see no reason why this general assembly should be afraid or inhibited about telling the authorities that they are wrong .
5 But equally they may include or consist of creating a fantasy world or series of events or actions , or indeed creatures , higher or lower forms of life , so that disbelief is temporarily suspended , and the fantasy seems like a different kind of reality , often momentarily preferable to the spectator 's actual experience .
6 ‘ In any proceedings ( whether or not under this Act ) — ( a ) a statement of affairs prepared for the purposes of any provision of this Act which is derived from the Insolvency Act 1985 , and ( b ) any other statement made in pursuance of a requirement imposed by or under any such provision or by or under rules made under this Act , may be used in evidence against any person making or concurring in making the statement .
7 Many factors , such as differences between social classes in attitudes to marriage , could explain or contribute to explaining the difference .
8 Moreover , he finds it a nuisance to have her in his flat all day , when he wants to do piano practice , or to play at conducting an orchestra .
9 Analogical representations , however , are understood or interpreted by matching the two structures concerned ( that is , of the representation itself and of the domain represented ) , and their associated inference-procedures , in a systematic way .
10 Beresford identifies three models or approaches to hearing the voice of the consumer .
11 This is the most satisfying of all the manoeuvres since with enough speed and with the daggerboard retracted the board is turned like a surfboard or ski by weighting the inside edge .
12 With increasing age , strength , and experience , most of them probably inherit a vacated range , take one over , or succeed in establishing a new community where younger females are setting up new ranges .
13 But what is certain is that the democratic principle — that people should , as far as possible , make or participate in making the decisions that affect them most closely and importantly — could beneficially be applied far more widely in modern societies than It presently is .
14 If his instructions are disobeyed and he continues to fear a breach of the peace , he can therefore arrest , for a breach of the peace , the person who refuses to comply , and either seek to have the person bound over , or prosecuted for obstructing a constable in the execution of his duty .
15 There is a saying that one should never explain or apologise in making a speech .
16 Parties of chimpanzees congregate at fruiting trees irregularly spaced in both location and time and , since the animals eat small soft-bodied fruits in dense clumps , they can feed together and then move on or separate without producing an immediate over-exploitation of resources .
17 It is the experience of other sociologists on similar missions that their findings are frequently cast in a negative role — that certain conservation measures will not succeed or will actually do harm — and also that they are frequently overridden or relegated to writing a disparate chapter in a project document or report entitled ‘ Social constraints to soil and water conservation ’ .
18 One point about this model which is unclear is this : what is it that prevents words like READY or READJUST from activating the word detector for READ ?
19 Most prejudicial to the reputation of the Church was the sin of simony , the buying of something of spiritual value for money , such as ecclesiastical office or advancement , or charging for ordaining a clerk or for the performance of any other spiritual service .
20 The editor and her senior staff must live or die by satisfying the consumer with the product they have to sell — one monthly mag — in order to ensure repeat sales .
21 While waiting , she gazed solemnly at the sinister Bridge of Sighs a few yards away and thought of the prisoners who 'd gazed out of its thickly grilled windows , looking for the last time on the beauties of Venice before they were incarcerated — or executed for causing the displeasure of powerful nobles .
22 I remembered I 'd had nothing to eat or drink before leaving the house , and thought how awful that I had n't even made Toby a cup of tea before obeying my impulse to run .
23 The village shopkeeper , faced with a dwindling trade , must either raise his prices or switch to providing a more specialized service for the commuters and second home owners .
24 The diagnosis was confirmed or excluded by applying the criteria mentioned above to the relatives ' medical records from hospitals or private physicians .
25 Perhaps equally , the parent who sees himself or herself as " bad " may seek atonement or solace in becoming the " good " child — and accepting the ministrations of a substitute parent .
26 In most day units , whatever they are called , attenders normally spend a good deal of time chatting to other attenders or sitting about watching the world go by , doing nothing very much .
27 Linked by computer-driven remote controls to the major outstations , gas flow and pressure can be increased or decreased by operating a keyboard .
28 Experiments with a mirror confirm that the meaning of many famous paintings can be inverted or negated by reversing the picture .
29 Charles the Bald could warn or punish by leaving a trail of havoc along his line of march .
30 A special congressional committee investigating arms and drug smuggling recommended in late 1989 that certain prominent politicians and officials should be excluded from public life or dismissed , or barred from entering the country , because of their alleged connections with such activities .
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