Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] the long " in BNC.

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1 It is for this reason , more than any other , that the application has caused so much public concern , since what is proposed raises quite fundamental questions about the way in which this special coastal landscape could be protected or despoiled in the longer term .
2 He turned and went down the four steps that led into the long , dark , low-ceilinged dining room , returning a moment later with a book from the shelves .
3 Secondly , it is possible that costs in the longer term may be ignored .
4 The needles splinter the wind into dirges and laments that tell of the long and tragic history of the trees .
5 as in Tarrow and Suleiman. that in so far as group interests are expressed or mobilised through institutions that survive in the long term .
6 The only time that works on the long distances is if there 's high pressure .
7 You should see this piece that co this , this girl that comes into the long black hair she goes , she got like and she 's she 's small right , and s really skinny and she got massive like that
8 Helen leaned over my shoulder and gazed at the long lines of boy scouts , girl guides , ex-servicemen , with half the population of the town packed on the pavements , watching .
9 He did not have time to check his mirrors for police cars as he passed All Hallows-on-the-Wall and plunged into the long straight canyon of London Wall .
10 She was admitted , now , to the feasting-hall of the King , and placed at the long women 's table presided over by Marietta of Patras , the King 's serene and excellent mother .
11 I would say that it is our job to let people judge for themselves and have the opportunity to see controversial productions , whether it 's dance or drama , and unless people have the opportunity , and unless the companies are given the chance to perform their own thing , that drama and dance in the long run will die .
12 ‘ Best hang tight to my arm , boy , ’ he yelled and together they leaned forward and tramped through the long wet grass to wrestle with the Littles ' gate .
13 One of the major criticisms that is made of senior management is its unwillingness to let go of the reins of an organisation , to delegate routine tasks and to concentrate upon the longer term .
14 Nevertheless , the rapid uptake of the technology , with the implications this has for very substantial job displacement in some sectors , even if matched in the longer term by job creation elsewhere , is highly likely to create further problems for the economy and for society to handle .
15 We saw our chance , and hastily we packed up and prepared for the long trek back the way we had come , to the Youth Hostel .
16 She had n't expected to get much sleep , but exhaustion finally overcame her and she lapsed into a fitful , restless doze , tossing and turning through the long night as dreams haunted her mind .
17 As they came up into the May morning he hopped over the ditch and skipped into the long grass as blithe as a squirrel .
18 Once inside the room , the two officers stripped off their black uniform jackets , and sprawled on the long sofa .
19 That leaves mothers , children and older people behind in the mad scramble for the doors when the bus arrives , to stand packed together jolted and elbowed for the long slow journeys .
20 Touched by beneficial magics and feeding on the long grasses of the steppe , the steeds of Ellyrion are the swiftest and most noble of four-legged beasts .
21 Milner ( 1975 ) has summarised and contributed to the long history of research which demonstrates black children 's denial of their colour ( Clark and Clark , 1947 ) , and their preference for white identity ( Goodman , 1964 ) .
22 The sun , making a guest appearance between frowning petrol-blue clouds , floodlit the dog daisies and hogweed in the long grass and turned the pitch a stinging viridian .
23 And harness on the long moors .
24 Caterers also face other difficulties , such as keeping food hot and coping with the long travelling distances between the kitchens and wards .
25 An essential element in job creation is the provision of training for school leavers and retraining for the long term unemployed .
26 As they left the confines of the city and started on the long straight empty road to Samana , the sun was glowing ruby-red behind the dark wooded hills , the sky translucent delicate silk .
27 ‘ I have no intention of meeting her , ’ Jenna began , but he too stood and looked towards the long windows as a car came speedily to the house .
28 We climbed the low hills northwest of the loch and lay in the long grass under the pines and the birch , looking out over the small glen to the forested hill on the far side where the old railway tunnel was .
29 Silently , I climbed back up to the road and lay in the long grass to watch what happened .
30 He answered Buckmaster 's question as he turned off the road between lodge gates and proceeded down the long drive across open parkland .
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