Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If your bike is second-hand , or has n't been used for a while , then it 's important to check that it 's safe to ride .
2 Section 11 permits the revocation of an authorisation if , inter alia , it appears that any of the criteria specified in Schedule 3 is not or has not been fulfilled by the institution concerned .
3 The immunities which he does say the Director is wrongfully seeking to infringe are the second and third in the list , which protect the citizen from being compelled to answer questions on pain of punishment ; and these are not concerned specifically with the question whether the citizen has or has not been charged with an offence .
4 That section is in the following terms : ( 1 ) Every one who by words spoken or written or by conduct represents himself , or who knowingly suffers himself to be represented , as a partner in a particular firm , is liable as a partner to any one who has on the faith of any such representation given credit to the firm , whether the representation has or has not been made or communicated to the person so giving credit by or with the knowledge of the apparent partner making the representation or suffering it to be made .
5 The other exception is that , under RSC Ord 22 , r7(2) , any party may bring the attention of the court to the fact that a payment in has or has not been made and the date ( but not the amount ) of such payment where the question of the costs of the issue of liability falls to be decided , that issue having been tried and an issue of question of quantum remaining to be tried separately .
6 Letters are a record of what has or has not been agreed or said by various parties
7 Disputes as to whether an admitted rule has or has not been violated will always occur and will , in any but the smallest societies , continue interminably , if there is no agency specially empowered to ascertain finally , and authoritatively , the fact of violation …
8 In written language , as in spoken language , one can refer to the context to establish whether a piece of information has or has not been introduced earlier .
9 Yet education has never guaranteed employment , and whether it has or has not been expected to , we must also consider the other purposes it may serve .
10 As with large tracts of The Possessed this is in effect third-person narrative , recalling the notebook assurance that whether ‘ my ’ story is based on hard facts or has simply been made up , it is all ‘ true ’ .
11 This is only possible where there is a transnational capitalist class willing to deal with the TNCs when , for example , the comprador role may be too dangerous or has actually been abolished .
12 Yes but surely if you 're saying in combating Chinese collaborators , settling accounts with landlords and reducing rents and interest , the people have seized the land directly from the landlords thus realizing the principle of the land to the tiller where the mass movement has been thorough the land problem is being or has basically been solved .
13 Geometrical isomerism is sometimes , or has sometimes been called cis trans-isomerism .
14 If the colours are lighter near the surface , the chances are that it is either old or has genuinely been bleached by the sun .
15 Although preliminary speculation was that the crash might have been caused by a bomb , accident investigators revealed that the plane had nose-dived after the right engine suddenly went into reverse thrust ; electronic safety systems designed to cope with this had apparently failed , and a warning light had either malfunctioned or had not been believed by the pilot .
16 However , many of the securities supposedly backing the receipts did not exist or had not been purchased .
17 I was told that everyone in the hamlet had electricity and a loudspeaker in their room — all , that is , except the ‘ bad elements ’ — children of the rich peasants or landlords who had apparently not become ( or had not been allowed to become ) good commune members .
18 Successive Secretaries of State have stated that only by the unvarying observance of this practice is it possible to ensure that in no circumstances is anything said or not said which , by comparison with what was said on a different occasion , might imply that a warrant had or had not been issued .
19 They were interested in the way that the connections between an eye and a cortical neuron were affected by whether that eye had or had not been used , so first they measured the numbers of cells establishing these connections in normal animals .
20 Jaq , for his part , wondered whether he too was merely an iota , or had genuinely been promoted to become a moulder of destiny .
21 She says : ‘ It is a very valuable function because it helps people who are unemployed or have just been made redundant to do something which is worthwhile .
22 A number of public sector pay awards have been treated leniently through supplementary estimates being granted , or have even been placed outside the limits .
23 It provides a good overview of the situation on how irradiated foods of different kinds can be monitored both for effects and to check whether they have or have not been irradiated .
24 Of more long-term concern is the degree to which the frontiers between trade union and other courses have or have not been broken down .
25 2.5.2 within [ 5 ] working days after any such entry serve on the Architect notice ( " Defects Notice " ) specifying any respects in which they consider that the Works are not being or have not been carried out in accordance with this clause
26 449 at 451 , Cockburn C.J. said : The authorities clearly establish that if an agreement is made to compromise a disputed claim , forbearance to sue in respect of that claim is good consideration ; and whether proceedings to enforce the disputed claim have or have not been instituted makes no difference .
27 It is not often that I receive ‘ fan'-letters , and I always acknowledge them unless they are impertinent , or have obviously been written by lunatics .
28 No principle is discernible , nor has any been suggested , to explain or justify the giving of corporate status to some but not to other government authorities .
29 Nor has much been done to attack the soft commissions ( payments in kind ) given to fund managers to attract their business .
30 In particular , you will probably have good reason to complain if your employer departs at the last minute from an approach to the selection process that has previously been announced .
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