Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] for [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Verbal presentations often fail because the speaker tries to cram too much into too short a time , or goes on for far too long .
2 But , on the other hand , this perspective produces global strategies which have little purchase on concrete instances , and tend to assume instead the burden of a messianic project in which the enemy is supposedly being smashed , crushed , or stamped out for ever .
3 But what 's the point of holding a meeting that goes on for more than twelve hours ?
4 There are the inevitable distilleries : an industry that goes on for ever .
5 Rather than emulate the original , Kaiser and his cronies turn David 's innocent little rebellious rocker into a full blown free-form jazz improvisation piece that chugs along for over 12 minutes .
6 In the States it would be preferable to do a set number of smaller theatre-type places , rather than slogging round for ever as a support band .
7 ‘ As Candy would no doubt tell you , anything that stays still for too long around here gets painted or wallpapered . ’
8 Hence , although this project will document both what employers do now on training and plan to do over the medium-term future , the inquiry has an intent which is ‘ educative ’ rather than aiming merely for either purely ‘ descriptive ’ or ‘ prescriptive ’ results .
9 And Deviation 's ‘ Hammond Song ’ reminds one of the music they have in those appalling films about surfing that go on for ever , except with a dance beat .
10 oh I 've had a bit of a day or erm ooh , whatever it is , and erm I said to myself I am making allowances for being tired and getting , getting on a bit , you know , and that went on for quite a while actually until I said to myself I 'm making up allowances you know , I 'm
11 The primary consideration should be to select an analytical laboratory where there is a formal , statistically based AQC system ; one that operates routinely for exactly the type of analysis we require .
12 This was the beginning of a protest that lasted continually for over five months .
13 In those days , scarlet fever victims had to go to the Isolation Hospital just outside the town , and remain there for about six weeks , until all the affected skin had peeled off .
14 Bring to the boil , then lower the heat and simmer gently for about 1½ hours .
15 Dunedin House was built by the surgeon J. S. Land in the mid 19th century , and lived in for over 50 years this century by the late Dr Cripps , Medical Officer of Health for the Holderness area .
16 He ended up in Nairobi and lived there for quite a long time .
17 Meanwhile in another pan , melt 50g ( 2oz ) butter and whisk in the flour and cook gently for approx 30 secs .
18 Add the lamb and cook quickly for about 3 minutes , turning frequently , until evenly browned .
19 The couple she had met as the Corduroys , Ken and Louise , were holding plates and looking round for somewhere to sit .
20 Tom , meanwhile , has binned the thigh-slapping choreography that made him look like an excited primate and opted instead for more engaging shapes akin to those thrown by a boxing kangaroo .
21 The ascent was arduous and prolonged , twisting and turning upwards for more than twelve kilometres to the pass , almost a thousand metres high .
22 Take particular care when entering or leaving the tracks , and watch out for both pedestrians and traffic .
23 And watch out for cunningly disguised snipers .
24 To fill the vacant position , Sir Henry , still nursing ambitions for the club he had guided and invested in for so long , wanted no one else but the outstandingly successful manager of Huddersfield Town .
25 Miss Harker removed her bonnet , a beautiful item with long blue ribbons , and looked round for somewhere to hang it .
26 In nature these fish only come together to reproduce , and stay together for as long as is necessary to raise young .
27 I 'd go to Tenerife and stay there for ever .
28 He never realised , on that eventful day , that she would ‘ come into my arms ’ ( as he put it ) and stay there for so many years , adding in no small degree to the legends of love which keep the world sane and hopeful .
29 The applause that greeted them was like a thunder clap and went on for so long that the Girls could not hear the music and had to count under their breath to synchronize their kicks .
30 Broadly speaking , sound was good but Mr Ponor felt the sound of the carriage at the beginning was a little distracting and went on for too long .
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