Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Marble can be sawn or broken up for building or burned for lime , and a great deal has certainly gone that way ; but the melting down of bronze for conversion to tools , utensils , armour , coin , is far more tempting .
2 On occasion there were more serious charges where preliminary hearings were held and the case either dismissed or passed on for trial at a higher court .
3 And when they have outlived their usefulness , they are slaughtered or sold cheaply for lab experiments .
4 How many times have you faced the glares of your fellow shoppers in supermarkets as you struggle to pack your bags with one hand and write a cheque with the other , or fumble around for cash to pay for your goods .
5 One by one they sauntered out , or clustered together for safety in great rushes : all in theoretical navy and white , but with such imaginative variation in those two colours and where and how placed , and in what fabric , as to make their apparel singularly unalike .
6 And why was the medical possibility that the women who attended Bristol had more serious disease not properly investigated or put forward for media consumption ?
7 Now I have a salaried job instead of running the home I have no time to do the shopping , take the car to the garage or wait in for service engineers of various sorts .
8 It is entertaining to see a group of loushe Parisian types forming a street band or filling in for cabaret .
9 But let's look first at the visible problems , realising the need for fun , not for a fruitless day 's digging or waiting around for ferrets that are none too likely to return to the surface once allowed underground .
10 ‘ My hobbies include knitting , reading nursing material , the newspapers and Stephen King novels , writing letters , badminton , walking , driving , pop music , Tamla Motown music , bowling , gardening , visiting the pub or going out for meals .
11 She did n't smoke and never drank , preferring to spend her free time reading , watching television , visiting friends or going out for supper in modest bistros .
12 Or drop in for tea or supper .
13 To contend under these circumstances that Jesus was a feminist , or that he spoke out for women , must imply a very low estimate of what being a feminist ( or speaking out for women ) might mean .
14 Like the stoplist , the golist can also be displayed or printed out for consideration prior to updating or other modification .
15 Cruising round Beachy Head & Lighthouse to visit Eastbourne £9 ( concs & under 16 's £4.50 off ) or stay on for afternoon cruise ‘ round Royal Sovereign ’ £13.95 ( cons & and under 16 's £6.95 off ) . .
16 ‘ I 'd far rather you waited until it 's light , or went down for Bob . ’
17 I wish I had a body , just an instrument to feel weary with or through , shoulders that slump , a head that tips back to face the sun , feet that drag , a voice that groans or sighs or asks hoarsely for forgiveness .
18 It is interesting to note that some , if not all , of this initial stimulus work can be recorded and made available individually for refreshing the memory , checking particular phenomena or making up for absence .
19 John McEnroe enabled the USA to reach the semi-finals this year by answering Mr Gorman 's plea to play singles because certain other players preferred to play at Queen 's or practise elsewhere for Wimbledon .
20 Thus , while Corporal Weatherall and a growing force of commandos were on interminable training exercises , or standing by for operations that were cancelled before they got afloat , very few slipped the mesh of authority .
21 In a declining market one might well expect a business that had earlier established a dominant share position to be able to trade on this position in the short run and increase prices and profits , because rivals are unlikely to come into the market or compete strongly for market share .
22 BBC 2 broadcast the cases of 10 prisoners of conscience between 25 November and 8 December 1991 , and asked viewers to phone or write in for details of how to help them .
23 Or melted down for soap .
24 Their only hope was a university scholarship or exhibition and , though a small number of refugees did find their way into university by this route , it was more common for those who wanted to continue their studies to attend evening classes or sign on for correspondence courses .
25 Otherwise there can be long delays while machines are sent away , or queue up for attention from the one person in the country who knows how they operate .
26 In the afternoons he sometimes helped with games , or stood in for Bill Muggeridge in the gym , if Bill wanted to go home and check up on his wife ( which he quite often did ) .
27 Workers are more limited to particular geographical locations , and workers ' organizations can be completely destroyed or set back for years by unsuccessful struggles such as long running strikes or ( still more ) a general strike .
28 No , I could tell you a really boring joke that goes on for ages .
29 The question is how do you break into the cycle and make that happen , and I think the answer is , as I said , in two ways — one by making teachers more aware during their period of initial training , either at college or at university or polytechnic , and secondly by looking very carefully at the amount and type of in-service training erm that goes on for teachers once they 've left college and are in the schools .
30 The question is how do you break into the cycle and make that happen , and I think the answer is , as I said , in two ways — one by making teachers more aware during their period of initial training , either at college or at university or polytechnic , and secondly by looking very carefully at the amount and type of in-service training erm that goes on for teachers once they 've left college and are in the schools .
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