Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 Acyclovir given intravenously , orally or applied directly at the site of infection can accelerate healing and restrict the spread and recurrence of many herpes infections ( British Medical Journal , 1982 , vol 285 , p 1223 . ) .
2 Hormone replacement therapy consists of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone taken daily to help replace those lost or produced erratically at the menopause .
3 Is it really necessary for you to have no claim if you are indeed made redundant or treated unjustly at the time when the contract finishes ?
4 Was it properly refereed or passed through at the urgings of the editor ?
5 But much of what they buy ends up being returned or hidden away at the back of a drawer .
6 The enquiry looked at 1208 people who , in the application year ending 31 March 1980 , enquired , submitted application forms or dropped out at the various stages of the process of seeking to be matriculated , as well as those who matriculated and graduated .
7 This card may be placed next to the model or face up at the table edge to indicate that it is in play .
8 He appealed for members to comment by ringing Brenda on Middlesbrough 244860 or calling in at the club .
9 If you were sick or unemployed ( provided you sent in sick notes to your Social Security office or signed on at the Unemployment Benefit office ) ;
10 No hair-stroking or sighing or staring sorrowfully at the ceiling , not for her .
11 Felicity had come out in a severe facial rash and spent the time either screaming or staring fixedly at the paperknife on her desk .
12 They may have been open-fronted , the borders of the open seam being either fastened together or pinned back at the breast , again with brooches and pins .
13 Everyone in the board room was either clearing his throat , or shifting position in his seat , or doing both at the same time , which is actually rather difficult .
14 Dexter sat back in his armchair , unsure whether to laugh outright or smile knowingly at the businessman 's practical joke .
15 Artists know that this has happened , but much of the art establishment has n't caught up with events , or looked back at the past in the light of that .
16 If you can help please telephone DAD on Darlington or call in at the local office at the Friends Meeting House , 6 Skinnergate , Darlington .
17 It was shabby but civilised , alive with history but inhabited also by living poets and thinkers who could be found squatting on the slotted metal floors of the stacks , or arguing pleasantly at the turning of the stair .
18 Although probably built as a row by some Victorian property magnate , all the houses were slightly different from the front and all had been built on to or extended differently at the back .
19 Do n't choose a colour for its safety , because it is acceptable , or sells well at the art society exhibition .
20 The healthy stayed away , or hovered sceptically at the back of the crowd , talking as they waited for the first miracle .
21 But on Monday night the audience at the Queen Elizabeth Hall appeared neatly divided — between those who were willing to prolong the applause indefinitely and those who either disappeared discreetly halfway through or scarpered quickly at the end .
22 I.C.B. was interested in our neighbours — particularly a large family that lived upstairs at the time .
23 He gritted his teeth against the shame that welled up at the thought of what he 'd let happen to her , then met her eyes again , smiling .
24 Mangroves are trees that grow right at the edge of the sea , held and nourished through characteristic prop roots that grip the soft mud .
25 Insects that fly in at the sides encounter a vertical baffle of netting that divides the trap along its axis , and tend to fly or clamber to the highest point of the baffle where the only way out is into a collecting jar .
26 This in turn led to the arm and gun junction boxes being redesigned horizontally next to each other rather than grouped centrally at the front .
27 And the Mediterranean , the great pale green sea that sloshes away at the coastline of Phoenicia , this too still shaped our movements and our lives , provided the essential and unchanging link between that distant , unphotographed world of Roberts and the country in which I now lived .
28 lonnbergii , dominican gulls Larus dominicanus , blue-eyed cormorants Phalacrocorax atriceps , and a wider selection of petrels that breed both at the surface and in cavities among scree .
29 Even nationalists such as myself began to tire of it , until the modern British revival that came unexpectedly at the Sydney Football stadium in the Third Test 1988 .
30 Also had further letter from Notts County Council about Nottinghamshire Minerals local plan , asking us again if we have any representations to make , I think it was decided at a previous meeting that we did not , erm Colin Williamson , production of development and planning at Newton and Sherwood District Council , it 's proposal to run seminars for Parish Councils on planning policies , law and procedures , and we would like to know erm whether erm we would be interested in attending , and how many people would wish , he he has earmarked temporarily twenty eighth of March , which is a Monday , as a possible date at town hall , so if er if you think that would be something that you would be erm interested in going to , the topics erm are really I think things that came up at the Parish Council 's conference , the questions about planning , about the rules , and the policies , and the procedures etcetera , the erm , and visitors were talking last thing for sixth of December for five minutes , and the discussion for half an hour to three quarters , commencing at half past seven , so er if anyone 's interested in attending that ?
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